The whole datatable looks fine, and hyperlinks are visible till using Search Bar. After writing dummy words - the data is showing correct, but without hyperlinks. What I missed?

I need to refresh whole page, to get hyperlinks back again.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  @wire(getWoliList,{ woid: '$recordId' })
    wiredOpps(result) {
        //this.result = wolis;
        this.wiredResult = result;
        const { data, error } = result;
        if(data) {
            this.data = data;
            this.initialRecords = data;
            let nameUrl, assetUrl, prodUrl;
            this.data = data.map(row => { 
                nameUrl = `/${row.Id}`;
                assetUrl = `/${row.AssetId}`;
                prodUrl = `/${row.PricebookEntryId}`;
                return {...row , nameUrl , assetUrl , prodUrl} 
            this.error = null;
        if(error) {
            this.error = error;
            this.data = [];

    handleSearch(event) {
        const searchKey = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
        if (searchKey) {
            this.data = this.initialRecords;
            if (this.data) {
                let searchRecords = [];
                for (let record of this.data) {
                    let valuesArray = Object.values(record);
                    for (let val of valuesArray) {
                        console.log('val is ' + val);
                        let strVal = String(val);
                        if (strVal) {
                            if (strVal.toLowerCase().includes(searchKey)) {
                console.log('Matched Wolis are ' + JSON.stringify(searchRecords));
                this.data = searchRecords;
                return refreshApex(this.wiredResult);
        } else {
            this.data = this.initialRecords;
            return refreshApex(this.wiredResult);

1 Answer 1


It was fast, I know the answear. I am leaving fixed piece of code, if someone will have the same problem:

I added this.initialRecords and created a map.

@wire(getWoliList,{ woid: '$recordId' })
    wiredOpps(result) {
        //this.result = wolis;
        this.wiredResult = result;
        const { data, error } = result;
        if(data) {
            this.data = data;
            this.initialRecords = data;
            let nameUrl, assetUrl, prodUrl;
            this.data = data.map(row => { 
                nameUrl = `/${row.Id}`;
                assetUrl = `/${row.AssetId}`;
                prodUrl = `/${row.PricebookEntryId}`;
                return {...row , nameUrl , assetUrl , prodUrl} 
            this.error = null;

            this.initialRecords = data.map(row => { 
                nameUrl = `/${row.Id}`;
                assetUrl = `/${row.AssetId}`;
                prodUrl = `/${row.PricebookEntryId}`;
                return {...row , nameUrl , assetUrl , prodUrl} 
            this.error = null;
        if(error) {
            this.error = error;
            this.data = [];

    handleSearch(event) {
        const searchKey = event.target.value.toLowerCase();
        if (searchKey) {
            this.data = this.initialRecords;
            if (this.data) {
                let searchRecords = [];
                for (let record of this.data) {
                    let valuesArray = Object.values(record);
                    for (let val of valuesArray) {
                        console.log('val is ' + val);
                        let strVal = String(val);
                        if (strVal) {
                            if (strVal.toLowerCase().includes(searchKey)) {
                console.log('Matched Wolis are ' + JSON.stringify(searchRecords));
                this.data = searchRecords;
                return refreshApex(this.wiredResult);
        } else {
            this.data = this.initialRecords;
            return refreshApex(this.wiredResult);

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