I have a loop that iterates over a list of a class created for managing Json and transform it into records. The problem is that I have a lookup field to a product and he way to find this product is by a SOQL
I decided to move the SOQL
outside of the function. by iterating over the list with slices of 100 record, creating a Set<String>
of the field that the SOQL
uses to search for a related Product. But then I can't find a way to know which record in this set is associated with the record of the list
The old code, where I would have a query limit problem is this one:
List<ProductRequest> allProductRequest = new List<ProductRequest>();
for (Map<String, Object> record : recordListMap){
Json2Apex productRequestContainer = (Json2Apex)JSON.deserialize(JSON.serialize(record), Json2Apex.class);
public class Json2Apex{
public String SOL_CODE;
public ProductRequest transformToProduct() {
List<ProductRequest> product_Request = [SELECT Id FROM ProductRequest WHERE QuickBase_Record_Id__c = :Record_ID AND Ref_Number_RD__c != '' LIMIT 1];
if (product_Request.isEmpty()){
product_Request.add(New ProductRequest(RecordTypeId = '012S0000003UpaDIAS', Status = 'Request_Received'));
product_Request[0].D365_Product_Code__c = decimal.ValueOf(SOL_CODE);
List<Product2> product = [SELECT Id FROM Product2 WHERE ProductCode = :SOL_CODE LIMIT 1];
if (!product.isEmpty()){
product_Request[0].Associated_Product__c = product[0].Id;
return product_Request[0];
this code will quickly exceed the limit of 100 queries,I then thought of an alternative where I would do 1 query every 100 record. It is probably not optimized, but it would allow me to do the equivalent of 10000 queries if needed.
Integer queryLimit = 100;//iterate by chuck of 100 to not exceed SOQL limit
for (Integer i = 0; i < recordListMap.size(); i+=queryLimit) {
Set<String> productCodes = new Set<String>();
for (Integer j = 0; j < queryLimit && (queryLimit*i+j) < recordListMap.size(); j++) {
List<Product2> product = [SELECT Id FROM Product2 WHERE ProductCode IN :productCodes LIMIT 100];
for (Integer j = 0; j < queryLimit && (queryLimit*i+j) < recordListMap.size(); j++) {
Json2Apex productRequestContainer = (Json2Apex)JSON.deserialize(JSON.serialize(recordListMap[queryLimit*i+j]), Json2Apex.class);
but I have soon relised that my list with 100 Products is unusable, since there is no way of knowing wich product is asociated with wich productRequest.
Actually, I know that it is possible to make a map from a query. it would look like:
Map<ID, Product2> m = new Map<ID, Product2>([SELECT Id FROM Product2 WHERE ProductCode IN :productCodes LIMIT 100]);
But I am not satisfied with this, the ID is the key, while my way of finding a Product is by the SOL_CODE. Is there a way to turn around the map. so the keys can be ProductCode field and the values be the id's? Or just a better way to workaround the problem to too many queries.
Thank you