i am trying to create a custom footer for a flow. While trying to navigate to a list page of Survey object the Navigation is not working, Any help would mean a lot.
<footer class="slds-modal__footer" >
<lightning-button class="slds-m-right_small" label="Navigate to Survey" onclick={navigateToListView} >
<lightning-button class="slds-m-left_small" label="Next" onclick={handleGoNext}>
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
import { FlowNavigationNextEvent } from 'lightning/flowSupport';
import { NavigationMixin } from 'lightning/navigation';
export default class IDS_SendSuveryfooter extends LightningElement {
handleGoNext() {
console.log('next event fired')
// if (this.availableActions.find((action) => action === 'NEXT')) {
// navigate to the next screen
const navigateNextEvent = new FlowNavigationNextEvent();
navigateToRecord() {
console.log('navigate event fired')
// Navigate to the Contact object's Recent list view.
type: 'standard__objectPage',
attributes: {
objectApiName: 'Survey',
actionName: 'list'
state: {
filterName: 'Recent'