The following Apex code uses Metadata and SOAP API to create a NamedCredential and Custom Auth Provider to connect to a public REST API that is authenticated via OAuth.
public override PageReference run() {
return oAuthKickoffUrl();
private void createAuthProvider() {
createSObject('<urn1:type>AuthProvider</urn1:type>' +
'<urn1:DeveloperName>' + DEV_NAME + '</urn1:DeveloperName>' +
'<urn1:FriendlyName>' + DEV_NAME + '</urn1:FriendlyName>' +
'<urn1:ProviderType>OpenIdConnect</urn1:ProviderType>' +
'<urn1:OptionsSendAccessTokenInHeader>true</urn1:OptionsSendAccessTokenInHeader>' +
'<urn1:OptionsSendClientCredentialsInHeader>false</urn1:OptionsSendClientCredentialsInHeader>' +
'<urn1:ConsumerKey>' + CLIENT_KEY + '</urn1:ConsumerKey>' +
'<urn1:ConsumerSecret>' + CLIENT_SECRET + '</urn1:ConsumerSecret>' +
'<urn1:AuthorizeUrl>' + API_ENDPOINT + '/oauth/authorize</urn1:AuthorizeUrl>' +
'<urn1:TokenUrl>' + API_ENDPOINT + '/api/v1/oauth/token/</urn1:TokenUrl>'
private void createNamedCredential() {
MetadataService.NamedCredential cred = new MetadataService.NamedCredential();
cred.fullName = DEV_NAME;
cred.label = DEV_NAME;
cred.allowMergeFieldsInBody = false;
cred.allowMergeFieldsInHeader = false;
cred.authProvider = DEV_NAME;
cred.generateAuthorizationHeader = true;
cred.principalType = 'NamedUser';
cred.protocol = 'Oauth';
cred.authProvider = DEV_NAME;
cred.endpoint = API_ENDPOINT + '/v3';
private PageReference oAuthKickoffUrl() {
PageReference result = new PageReference(authProvider.OauthKickoffUrl);
String startUrl = '/' + String.valueOf(namedCredential.Id).left(15);
result.getParameters().put('startURL', startUrl);
return result;
Everything is created properly and looks ok but the Kickoff Call fails with a page of the API provider saying
Error: invalid_request: Invalid "redirect_uri" in request.
(I have used this approach successfully with many other APIs without such issues.)