I have an LWC child component that is dispatching a custom event as such:
console.log('bw: fire saveslotclick custom event');
//fireCustomEvent(this, 'saveslotclick', { slot: this.editedSlot });
let customEvent = new CustomEvent('saveslotclick', {
detail: this.editedSlot,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
console.log('bw: customEvent = ' + JSON.stringify(customEvent, null, 4));
I have the listener wired up in the parent as such:
<div onsaveslotclick={handleSaveSlotClick}>
code behind parent:
handleSaveSlotClick = (event) => {
console.log('bw: parent heard saveslotclick custom event');
this.startTime = new Date();
this.isLoading = true;
this.renderSlot = false;
The console output shows: bw: fire saveslotclick custom event, but does NOT show: bw: parent heard saveslotclick custom event
This event logic has worked for over a year in production, but in a new sandbox no events seem to be firing or being heard.
Any idea what is going on here?
The event is bound to the parent div because the components are nested like so:
<!-- parent -->
<div onsaveslotclick={handleSaveSlotClick}>
<!-- event is fired here -->
This has been working for over a year and event bubbling should correctly trigger the listener. So I am wondering if there is a lightning setting introduced that may have changed this behavior.
EDIT: added console.log of customEvent...
bw: customEvent = {
"isTrusted": false,
"composed": false,
"detail": {
"allowDelete": false,
"type": "saveslotclick",
"target": null,
"currentTarget": null,
"eventPhase": 0,
"bubbles": true,
"cancelable": true,
"defaultPrevented": false,
"timeStamp": 19182.09999999404,
"srcElement": null,
"returnValue": true,
"cancelBubble": false,
"path": [],
"NONE": 0,
immediately before and afterthis.dispatchEvent
and also log thecustomEvent
. Also, what component ishandleSaveSlotClick
implemented in?