In our company, we have a web application. We are using community which will be launched through that Web App. When the community is launched from the Web App, we have to align it according to the Web App Header. In simple words, we have to have same header as the Web App. Now the Web app dev team has provided me with this HTML code which I have to add to my community:
<Script src="some JS hosted outside SF"></script>
I used this code in the VF page and added that VF on the community. However, there is one menu item on the header which has submenus which opens up downwards like a dropdown. And I am not able to see those dropdown menu options as the VF is rendered as an iFrame and occupy a specific region. I tried adding z-index without any success. So I wanted to try it out with LWC to see if it works. Seems custom elements are not supported within LWC. So I tried using document.createElements and see if it works. But it seems the HTML code itself is not getting compiled. Below is my JS Code:
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
import { loadScript, loadStyle } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import mchdr from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/mccheaderr';
export default class TestCommHead extends HTMLElement {
this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
const span = document.createElement("cust-header");
window.customElements.define("cust-header", TestCommHead);
And the HTML code:
Am I doing anything wrong here? Is there any alternative where I can use custom elements in LWC? Thanks for your help!