After deployment from dev sandbox to test sandbox via change sets, Path is not working as expected...

On DEV environment I am able to click on that arrow and it displays fields(3), that I want. But after deployment via change sets to test sandbox, I am not able to click on that arrow. Anyone know where should be the problem?

Thank you.


1 Answer 1


Deploying Path does not always work as expected. Highly recommend to manually create on target org instead of deploy. You will find that re-creating manually saves more time than figuring out why the deployment errors for PathAssistant didn't get through properly.

Case in point ->

  1. "Required field missing: PicklistMasterId" error when deploying a path from a sandbox to another
  2. https://trailblazer.salesforce.com/issues_view?id=a1p3A0000008gWXQAY

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