I am wondering how can I search a node once I parse an XML, I need to go to the node (attached at the end of the question) "data-block" and loop through all the children to extract the value " <vs:value ", at the moment I am doing something that looks really bad as I havent figure it out how to go straight to data-block to start my loop, or even straight to the partiicular node that i need to extract the value, for example if i want to get th evalue of NA8900_xr_cur

public static void testing () {
    Attachment att = new Attachment();
    att = [SELECT Id, Body FROM Attachment WHERE Id='00P8s0000001czJ'];
    String s = att.Body.toString();

    DOM.Document doc = new DOM.Document();
    DOM.XmlNode rootNode;
    DOM.XmlNode body;        
    DOM.XmlNode response;
    DOM.XmlNode product_data;
    DOM.XmlNode summary_data;
    DOM.XmlNode data_block;
        rootNode = doc.getRootElement();
        // System.debug(rootNode);
    }catch(exception e){
    for(Dom.XmlNode node : rootNode.getChildElements()){
        if (node.getName() == 'body') {
            body = node;

    if (body == null) {
        System.debug('Body is null');
    for(Dom.XmlNode node : body.getChildElements()){
        if (node.getName() == 'response') {
            response = node;
    if (response == null) {
        System.debug('response is null');
    for(Dom.XmlNode node : response.getChildElements()){
        if (node.getName() == 'product-data') {
            product_data = node;
    if (product_data == null) {
        System.debug('product_data is null');
    for(Dom.XmlNode node : product_data.getChildElements()){
        if (node.getName() == 'summary-data') {
            summary_data = node;
    if (summary_data == null) {
        System.debug('summary_data is null');
    for(Dom.XmlNode node : summary_data.getChildElements()){
        if (node.getName() == 'data-block') {
            data_block = node;
    if (data_block == null) {
        System.debug('data_block is null');
    for(Dom.XmlNode node : data_block.getChildElements()){

XML Sample:

                xmlns:vs="http://vedaxml.com/vxml2/vedascore-apply-v2-0.xsd" response-type="report">
                    <vs:operator-name>xxxxx xxxxxx</vs:operator-name>
                    <vs:product-name>VedaScore Apply®</vs:product-name>
                    <vs:permission-type code="X">CONSUMER</vs:permission-type>
                    <vs:product-data-level code="N">Negative</vs:product-data-level>
                        <vs:primary-match id-index="1" type="create">
                            <vs:individual-name first-reported-date="2021-10-09">
                            <vs:gender code="U">Unknown</vs:gender>
                            <vs:date-of-birth first-reported-date="2021-10-09" last-reported-date="2021-10-09">1980-12-01</vs:date-of-birth>
                            <vs:address first-reported-date="2021-10-09" last-reported-date="2021-10-09" type="C">
                                <vs:credit-enquiry enquiry-date="2021-10-09" type="credit-application">
                                    <vs:account-type code="PF">Personal Loan (fixed term)</vs:account-type>
                                    <vs:enquiry-amount currency-code="AUD">650</vs:enquiry-amount>
                                    <vs:relationship code="1">Principal's Account (sole)</vs:relationship>
                        <vs:data-block name="genesis" type="standard">
                            <vs:characteristic id="NA8900" key-characteristic="true">
                                <vs:description>Number of cross references</vs:description>
                                <vs:value unit="count">0</vs:value>
                                <vs:data-level code="N">Negative</vs:data-level>
                            <vs:characteristic id="NA8904" key-characteristic="false">
                                <vs:description>Age of primary file</vs:description>
                                <vs:value unit="months">0.0</vs:value>
                                <vs:data-level code="N">Negative</vs:data-level>
                            <vs:scorecard id="VSA_2.0_X_NR">
                                <vs:name>VedaScore Apply</vs:name>
                                <vs:data-level code="N">Negative</vs:data-level>
                                <vs:contributing-factor id="KCF-001">
                                    <vs:name>Length of Credit History</vs:name>
                                    <vs:description>The time since credit activity is first recorded on file can be an indicator of risk.</vs:description>
                                    <vs:score-impactor>Moderately Increases Risk</vs:score-impactor>
                                <vs:contributing-factor id="KCF-004">
                                    <vs:name>Current Consumer Credit Application Information</vs:name>
                                    <vs:description>The type and amount of credit being applied for can have an impact on risk.</vs:description>
                                    <vs:score-impactor>Marginally Increases Risk</vs:score-impactor>
  • 1
    I don't know what your technology constraints are but the obvious answer is "XPath". Commented Oct 9, 2021 at 7:41
  • 2
    Specifically consider apex-xpath.
    – Phil W
    Commented Oct 9, 2021 at 8:05

1 Answer 1


This is a SOAP call, so your obvious best bet is to get a WSDL, use the SOAP Services feature of Apex, then you can call the method like a normal method call. If your particular API call isn't supported as this way, then you'll want to use something like XPath to avoid complicated parsing. However, I would strongly advise that you try importing the WSDL first, it's so much easier, as you don't have to write any explicit parsing code yourself.

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