I'm having problems to understand why the first wire is not retrieving data
I've been trying to keep this URL component in the .html as it was before my changes, so now instead of the value holding a single URL, it would retrieve a different url depending on the current campaign recordtype.
<p>Click the <u><lightning-formatted-url value={viewClientsURL} label={label.ReportLabel} target="_blank"></lightning-formatted-url></u> {label.ReportDesc}</p>
This is my .js
@api get campId() {
return this._campId;
set campId(campId) {
this._campId = campId;
this.ViewClientsURL = (this.eventsRecordTypeId === this.currentCampaignRecordType)? this.label.ViewClientsURL_Event + campId : (this.otherMarketingRecordTypeId === this.currentCampaignRecordType)?this.label.ViewClientsURL_Other + campId:this.label.ViewClientsURL + campId;
this.viewClientsURL = this.label.ViewClientsURL + campId;//Before
@wire(getObjectInfo, { objectApiName: CAMPAIGN_OBJECT })
get eventsRecordTypeId() {
const rtis = this.campaignInfo.data.recordTypeInfos;
return Object.keys(rtis).find(rti => rtis[rti].name === 'Event Campaign');
get currentCampaignRecordType(){
return getFieldValue(this.campaign.data, CAMPAIGN_RECORDTYPEID);
This is the error that I'm getting when I open the formatted link
It's not detecting the data of campaignInfo that should be stored trough the @wire and it's breaking when I try to assign this.ViewClientsURL value conditionally trough this.eventsRecordTypeId, so it fails on set campId(). Are my thoughts right or is it something even more obvious?