I am working on a task. To understand my issue let me describe what I am doing.
Object: staging__c
Individual_or_Organization__c (Text)
Date_Recieved__c (Date)
Amount__c (Currency)
Error_Message__c (Long Text)
Case1. If Individual_or_Organization__c==I ,
Search for existing contact with matching FistName , LastName and Postal Code. If contact not found then create new contact.
If staging record contains value in Orgganization_Name__c and Postal_Code__c Fields then search for account with matching name and postal code. If account found then link contact record with this account.
Create new opportunity record for that contact
Case2. If Individual_or_Organization__c==O
Search for existing Account with matching Orgganization_Name__c and Postal Code. If Account not found then create new account.
If staging record contains value in Last_Name__c and Postal_Code__c Fields then search for contact with matching firstname,lastname and postal code. If contact found then link contact record with the account.
Create Opportunity record for account
Field Mapping for Opportunity:
OpportunityName = Account Name or Contact Name+CloseDate
CloseDate = Date_Recieved__c
Amount = Amount__C
As you saw the requirement I am working on "condition 1" I wrote a batch class for same but still it raising few errors please have a look at my code
global class BatchAssignment implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT Id, Individual_or_Organization__c,Orgganization_Name__c,First_Name__c,Last_Name__c,Postal_Code__c,Date_Recieved__c,Amount__c,Error_Message__c,Description__c
FROM staging__c]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<staging__c> scope){
List<Opportunity> newOpptyList = new List<Opportunity>();
if(scope != null && scope.Individual_or_Organization__c == 'I') {
Account objAccount = searchAccount(scope);
if(objAccount != null) {
List<Contact> linkContactList = searchContact(objAccount, scope);
if(linkContactList != null && !linkContactList.isEmpty()) {
upsert linkContactList;
//Create new opportunity;
for(Contact objCon : linkContactList) {
newOpptyList.add(new Opportunity(Name = objCon.FullName,
StageName = 'Prospecting',
AccountId = objAccount.Id,
ContactId = objCon.Id
)); //Add other required fields if needed.
if(newOpptyList != null && !newOpptyList.isEmpty()) {
insert newOpptyList;
}catch(Exception ex) {
system.debug('---Exception--' + ex);
private Account searchAccount(staging__c scope) {
if(scope.Orgganization_Name__c != null && scope.Postal_Code__c != null) {
return [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = :scope.Orgganization_Name__c AND BillingPostalCode = :scope.Postal_Code__c];
//Assuming here, there will be only one account with these combination in your system
private List<Contact> searchContact(Account objAccount, staging__c scope) {
List<Contact> linkContactList = new List<Contact>();
if(scope.First_Name__c != null && scope.Last_Name__c != null && scope.Postal_Code__c != null) {
List<Contact> existingContactList = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, MailingPostalCode FROM Contact
WHERE FirstName = :scope.First_Name__c AND LastName = :scope.Last_Name__c AND MailingPostalCode = :scope.Postal_Code__c];
//For existing contacts
if(existingContactList != null) {
for(Contact objCon : existingContactList) {
objCon.AccountId = objAccount.Id;
} else {
//create new contact
linkContactList.add(new Contact(FirstName = scope.First_Name__c,
LastName = scope.Last_Name__c,
MailingPostalCode = scope.Postal_Code__c
AccountId = objAccount.Id));
return linkContactList;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){