I am trying to parse the following XML Payload in Apex:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-a1ed0755-8da2-4dce-9eb3-5fb4898faf6b">
                <StatusMessage>Updated Subscriber.</StatusMessage>
                <Object xsi:type="Subscriber">
                    <PartnerKey xsi:nil="true" />
                    <ObjectID xsi:nil="true" />
                    <SubscriberKey>[email protected]</SubscriberKey>
                <Object xsi:type="Subscriber">
                    <PartnerKey xsi:nil="true" />
                    <ObjectID xsi:nil="true" />
                    <SubscriberKey>[email protected]</SubscriberKey>
            <OverallStatus>Has Errors</OverallStatus>

I need to iterate over the Results child items and retrieve the StatusCode, StatusMessage and child SubscriberKey.

I have attemped to this using the following code but I can't get the first attribute:

DOM.Document document = new DOM.Document();

for (DOM.XmlNode node : document.getRootElement().getChildren())
    DOM.XmlNode statusCode = node.getChildElement('UpdateResponse', 'http://exacttarget.com/wsdl/partnerAPI');
    String statusMsg = node.getChildElement('Results', null).getAttribute('StatusCode', null);


2 Answers 2


Nested data structures like this generally require nested loops to extract data.

for(DOM.XmlNode node : document.getRootElement().getChildren()){ only gets you the direct children of the root element. That is, the <soap:Header> and <soap:Body>

To get at your target data, you need to make some additional calls to getChildren().

Also, an "attribute" in XML is something contained inside of a tag in double quotes. E.g. <myXmlTag IAmAnAttribute="And I'm the attribute's value">. The StatusCode, StatusMessage, and SubscriberKey are all Text nodes of their respective tags

What you're looking for here is something closer to this

String statusCode;

for (DOM.XmlNode node : document.getRootElement().getChildren()){
    if(node.getName() == 'Body'){
        for (DOM.XmlNode node2 : node.getChildren()){
            if(node.getName() == 'UpdateResponse'){
                for (DOM.XmlNode node3 : node2.getChildren()){
                    if(node3.getName() == 'Results'){
                        for (DOM.XmlNode node4 : node3.getChildren()){
                            if(node4.getName() == 'StatusCode'){
                                statusCode = node4.getText();

Unlike JavaScript's Element.querySelectorAll function, XmlNode.getChildElement() and so on doesn't recursively find child elements. <UpdateResponse> isn't the immediate child of <soap:Envelope>, so you can't get to it without first getting <soap:Body>. If you want be able to recursively find child elements, you need XPath or something similar.

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