I need to parse this xml and get last-name by Id(99999) or by Id(55555) based on what I set in the method.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" status="SUCCESS">
    <recordset name="object" nritems="1" acl="AW">
        <record name="object" id="99999" acl="DW">
            <field name="last-name" acl="TW">**SS**</field>
        <record name="object" id="55555" acl="DW">
            <field name="last-name" acl="TW">**Jony**</field>

I am trying this but get only firsr value

DOM.Document document = new DOM.Document();
String subjectID = document.getRootElement()
        .getChildElement('recordset', null)
        .getChildElement('record', null).getAttribute('id', '');
String name;
for (Dom.XmlNode xmlNode : document.getRootElement()
        .getChildElement('recordset', null)
        .getChildElement('record', null).getChildElements()) {
    if (xmlNode.getAttribute('name', '') == 'name') {
        name = xmlNode.getText();

1 Answer 1

for (Dom.XmlNode xmlNode : document.getRootElement()
    .getChildElement('recordset', null)
    .getChildElement('record', null).getChildElements()) {

Should be:

for (Dom.XmlNode xmlNode : document.getRootElement()
    .getChildElement('recordset', null)
    .getChildElements() { // These are 'record' elements

And from there, you can parse the fields.

As an aside, you can use my XmlToJSON logic to get a slightly-easier-to-work-with JSON structure instead.

  • Pls specify how to get last-name from record 55555 Commented Aug 11, 2021 at 11:51

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