I believe it is a simple fix, but I am new to everything and Jest being the latest one I am exposed to.
I am trying to test if the lightning-combobox received the data to fill its options after the apex imperative call.
I still have no clue what I am doing, I have been copying code from orgs other components The error I receive is on the data being returned, I expect two records to be returned from the mock data, but it received undefined.
Here is the mock data -
"value": "00T2h00000BC9naEAD",
"label": "Test Task 2 | 2021-08-06 10:00 AM | owner name"
"value": "00T2h00000BC9naTAS",
"label": "Test Task 2 | 2021-08-06 10:05 AM | owner name"
Here is component HTML
<lightning-combobox class="tasksList" label="Select Task"
onchange={handleTaskSelection} required>
Here is the JS -
connectedCallback() {
contactRecordId: this.contactRecordId
}).then(data => {
if (data) {
this.tasks = data.map(item => {
return {
value: item.Id,
label: item.Subject + ' | ' + item.CreatedDate + ' | ' + item.Owner.Name,
Here is the LWC Jest Test, I am attaching the whole Jest code as I dont know what helps you all to help me -
import { createElement } from 'lwc';
import { registerApexTestWireAdapter } from '@salesforce/sfdx-lwc-jest';
import getTasksAssociatedToContact from "@salesforce/apex/PopulateTasksForContactController.getTasksAssociatedToContact";
import PopulateTasksForContact from 'c/populateTasksForContact';
jest.mock('lightning/flowSupport', () => {
return 'FlowNavigation';
{ virtual: true }
const mockData = require('./data/tasksData.json');
const noMockData = require('./data/notasksData.json');
const getTasksAssociatedToContactAdapter = registerApexTestWireAdapter(getTasksAssociatedToContact);
describe('c-populate-tasks-for-contact', () => {
afterEach(() => {
// The jsdom instance is shared across test cases in a single file so reset the DOM
while (document.body.firstChild) {
// Prevent data saved on mocks from leaking between tests
describe('getTasksForContact Apex @imperative call', () => {
it('renders tasks to combobox if data returned from imperative apex call', () => {
const element = createElement('c-populate-tasks-for-combobox', {
is: PopulateTasksForContact
element.contactRecordId = '0032h00000YxNzIAAV';
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
let combobox = element.shadowRoot.querySelector('.tasksList');
Please advise.