I want to find out how long my Rich Text fields are in a specific object. When creating a Formula field with the goal of using LEN(MyField__c) I get thrown the following error:

Error: You referenced an unsupported field type called "Rich Text Area" using the following field: MyField__c

Is there a way to calculate the length of a Rich Text field any other way?

1 Answer 1


As per documentation you are not allowed to use RichText fields in formula https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000329422&type=1&mode=1

If you want to calculate length of data, I would suggest to use trigger for it.

You can simply use length function for it just make sure to sanitize your rich text field first. For example like :

  1. Remove html tags using : stripHtmlTags()

  2. Dont count multiple spaces : .normalizeSpace()

  3. If you dont even want to count white spaces you can use regex to replace all white spaces with '' or you can use deleteWhitespace() function introduced for Strings.

Example :

Assuming field is on account

for (Account a : trigger.new){

String temp = a.fieldName__c.normalizeSpace().stripHtmlTags();
Integer count = temp.length();


Now after having the count you can save it in some other field or throw an error depending on yourscenario.

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