In our Webstore, a user can select a buyer account (from a list of accounts from the Account-Contact relationships) to create a webcart. But it looks like it's not allowed if the user's contact is not directly related to the Account (??). I got the following error:

ConnectApi.ConnectApiException: Argument: '{Account Id}' - You can't buy for this account.

The webcart is created successfully if the owner is directly related to the account.

Here's the sample code:

ConnectApi.CartInput cartInput = new ConnectApi.CartInput();
cartInput.effectiveAccountId = {related account Id};
cartInput.name = 'Some cart';
cartInput.type= ConnectApi.CartType.Cart;
ConnectApi.CommerceCart.createCart(storeId, cartInput);

Am I missing something? I can't find any doc regarding the direct contact limitation. If this is indeed a limitation, is there a way around this?


1 Answer 1


Found it! Apparently, I need to add the Contact-Account Buy access to the External Managed Accounts.


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