I develop an Apex REST web service in Salesforce and I would like to test it with Postman.
Unfortunately, I get an error message than I don't understand:
Expected JSON object to deserialize apex parameter from at [line:3, column:14]
This is the JSON I tr to send with postman:
"data": [
"email":"[email protected]",
And this is how looks like my apex web service:
global with sharing class ABT_WSAccounts{
global static String upsertAccounts(String data){
String result;
System.debug('--- data : ' + data);
List<Account> accountsToUpsert = new List<Account>();
List<ABT_AccountInnerClass> sobjects = (List<ABT_AccountInnerClass>) JSON.deserialize(data, List<ABT_AccountInnerClass>.class);
System.debug('--- sobjects : ' + sobjects);
return result;
And my inner class:
global class ABT_AccountInnerClass{
global String firstname;
global String lastname;
global String salutation;
global Date birthDate;
global String email;
global String street;
global String country;
global String attendantYear;
global Decimal itra;
Please, can you explain me the error?