I have two Salesforce orgs connected and I am trying to pass a created Opportunity from one to the other using Apex REST callouts. Everything seems to be connected properly because when I test with a "GET" method, I get a successful HTTP code (200).
The receiving org's code is very simple (still in the proof of concept stage so not much here just to see if it passes through correctly).
global static ID postOpp(String name) {
Opportunity o = new Opportunity(
name = name);
o.closedate = date.newInstance(2020,10,10);
o.stagename = 'Qualification';
o.accountID = '0015x000026OM6g';
insert o;
return o.Id;
When I use workbench, and test a POST request in this org, I see it is successful and the opp is created. Now I am trying to send an opp from my other Salesforce org. I've tried setting the body a few different ways but nothing seems to be working.
Http http = new Http();
HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
JSONGenerator j = JSON.createGenerator(true);
j.writeStringField('Name', 'test cm 4');
String jsonS = j.getAsString();
response = http.send(request);
I don't think anything is wrong with my authorization or named credentials because of the successful HTTP code. As you can see I try using setBody() with a basic JSON string, I've also tried it with a much simpler string I saw some people use ('name=TestOpp'), but the opp is not getting created in the target org. How am I supposed to use setBody to pass over information correctly? Can someone explain what I may be missing?