I have passed an array of object from parent to child lwc, in connectedCallback function, it is showing null, although other parameters passed are having value in connectedCallback. Please find my code:
import { LightningElement, api, track } from 'lwc';
import calculateTotal from '@salesforce/apex/webComponentController.calculateTotal';
export default class WebComponentCart extends LightningElement {
@api productarray;
@api salestax;
@api shippingcharges;
@track calculateTotal;
@track error;
calculateTotal({shippingcharges : this.shippingcharges, salestax : this.salestax, pricebookProductArray : this.productarray})
.then(result => {
this.calculateTotal = result;
.catch(error => {
this.error = error;
Parent code:
<div if:true={isOpenCart}>
<c-web-component-cart productarray={productArray} shippingcharges={shippingCharges}
It is working fine, as I am able to display list in child component, but in connectedcallback, i want to pass the array in apex method, and the value is null. And also in console.log, they are no records.
this.productArray = event.detail.productArray;
this.isOpenCart = event.detail.isOpenCart;
this.islistOpen = event.detail.islistOpen;
This event is getting fired from another component: webcomponentlist.js
this.isOpenCart = true;
this.cartArray = {isOpenCart : this.isOpenCart, productArray : this.productArray, isListOpen : this.isListOpen};
const selectedEvent = new CustomEvent("productarraychange", {
detail: this.cartArray
// Dispatches the event.
Apex Method:
public static decimal calculateTotal(Decimal shippingcharges, Decimal salestax, List<PriceBookEntry2> pricebookProductArray){
System.debug(shippingcharges); //7.99
System.debug(salestax); //0.08
System.debug(pricebookProductArray); // 2 records which are selected but all field values are null.
Decimal total = 0;
Decimal calculatedPrice = 0;
for(PriceBookEntry2 pbe : pricebookProductArray){
total = total + pbe.subtotal;
calculatedPrice = total + salestax + shippingcharges;
return calculatedPrice;
public class PriceBookEntry2{
public String priceBookEntryId;
public String productId;
public String productName;
public String productCode;
public String priceBookId;
public String priceBookName;
public Decimal priceUnit;
public Integer quantity;
public Decimal subtotal;
public PriceBookEntry2(){
priceUnit = 0;
quantity = 0;
subtotal = 0;