Is it possible to avoid mismatching version during Salesforce transition periods?
Salesforce message
Mismatching Versions.
The AppExchange Application or component you have selected is not yet available on your instance of Please check back in a few days to retry the installation. Press the back button of your browser now and bookmark the AppExchange Directory page so that you can find it later.
I've generated a package last month and it does work on Spring 20 orgs (v48.0). However, today I generated a new package with no code change at all, and I can't install it on Spring 20 orgs.
I've confirmed that the DevHub has been already upgraded to Summer 20 (v49.0). Is that the reason? Shouldn't it rely on the newest metadata used (API 48)?
I've tried to configure the "project-scratch-def.json" to use the previous release and also tried to generate the package using this definition file.
project-scratch-def.json with release previous
"release": "previous",
"orgName": "ABC",
"edition": "Developer",
"namespace": "myNamespace"
Package version generation command
sfdx force:package:version:create --definitionfile "config/project-scratch-def.json" --package "ABC" --installationkey SuperSecret --codecoverage