My second for:each loop fails with this TypeError:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: t[Ln] is not a function
at i (aura_prod.js:4)
at eval (mlm_lwc_advSearchResults.js:4)
at i (aura_prod.js:4)
at o (mlm_lwc_advSearchResults.js:4)
at aura_prod.js:4
at Ne.observe (aura_prod.js:4)
at ao (aura_prod.js:4)
at Ir (aura_prod.js:4)
at fo (aura_prod.js:4)
at aura_prod.js:4
The code looks like this:
<template for:each={tableData} for:item="row">
<tr key={row.Id} class="slds-hint-parent">
<template for:each={row} for:item="item">
<th key={item.Id} scope="row">
<div key={item.Id} class="slds-truncate slds-align_absolute-center">
<template if:true={item}>
<c-another-component value={item}></c-another-component>
the tableData variable looks like this: