static testMethod void testPost(){

    RestRequest req = new RestRequest(); 
    RestResponse res = new RestResponse();
    Profile testEditorProfile = [Select id from Profile where Name= :System.Label.Profile_Editor];

    req.requestURI = System.URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl()+'...XYZ...';  
    req.httpMethod = 'PUT';

    TService.PostResponseWrapper postResponseInstance=TService.doPost();


Note:The post method is defined in the service class and does not have any arguments


2 Answers 2


You can use RestContext to set request and response , Use addHeader(name, value), addParameter(name, value) to set header and params of method.

   RestRequest req = new RestRequest(); 
   RestResponse res = new RestResponse();

    req.requestURI = '';  //Request URL
    req.httpMethod = '';//HTTP Request Type
    req.requestBody = Blob.valueof(JsonMsg);
    RestContext.request = req;
    RestContext.response= res;

You can create one common mock class and method which will help in testing all callouts:

//=== Main Class ===

 global class MockHttpResponseHandler implements HttpCalloutMock {
 private Map<String,ResponseEndpointHolder> responseMap = new 

//This causes the ? query params to be ignored when routing responses
public Boolean ignoreQuery {get; set;}

public MockHttpResponseHandler(){
    ignoreQuery = true;

public void addResponse(String endpoint, IMockResponse response){
        endpoint = getBaseUrl(endpoint);

    ResponseEndpointHolder holder;
        holder = responseMap.get(endpoint);
        holder = new ResponseEndpointHolder();
        responseMap.put(endpoint, holder);

global HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest req) {
    String endpoint = req.getEndpoint();
        endpoint = getBaseUrl(endpoint);
        throw new MockHttpHandlerException('No response for endpoint:' + endpoint);
    ResponseEndpointHolder responseHolder = responseMap.get(endpoint);
    return responseHolder.getMockResponse(req);

private String getBaseUrl(String endpoint){
    Url baseUrl = new URL(endpoint);
    return baseUrl.getHost() + baseUrl.getPath();


//Interface used for MockReponses.
//  Implement this if you need a specialized Mock Response
public interface IMockResponse{
    HTTPResponse getResponse(HTTPRequest req);
    String getMethod();

//Base class that covers most simple use cases
public virtual class SimpleMockResponse implements IMockResponse{
    private String method;
    public String getMethod(){
        return method;

    public void setMethod(String value){
        this.method = value;

    public String contentType { get; set;}

    public Integer statusCode {get; set;}

    public Map<String, String> headers {get; set;}

    public String body {get; set;}

    public SimpleMockResponse(String method, String body){
        this.method = method;
        this.body = body;

        this.headers = new Map<String, String>();

        this.statusCode = 200;
        this.contentType = 'application/json';

    public HTTPResponse getResponse(HTTPRequest req) {
        // Create a fake response
        HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
        res.setHeader('Content-Type', contentType);
        if(this.body != null){
        for(String key : headers.keySet()){
            res.setHeader(key, headers.get(key));

        return res;

//Endpoint Handler is used to store a list of reponses for each HTTP method on an endpoint
private class ResponseEndpointHolder{
    protected Map<String, List<IMockResponse>> endpointMethodMap = new Map<String, List<IMockResponse>>();

    public HTTPResponse getMockResponse(HTTPRequest req){
        String method = req.getMethod();
        List<IMockResponse> responses = endpointMethodMap.get(method);
        if(responses == null || responses.size() == 0){
            throw new MockHttpHandlerException('No response for method:' + method);
        }else if(responses.size() == 1){
            return responses[0].getResponse(req);
            return responses.remove(0).getResponse(req);

    public void addMockResponse(IMockResponse response){
        String method = response.getMethod();
        if(method == null){
            throw new MockHttpHandlerException('Method cannot be null!');

            endpointMethodMap.put(method, new List<IMockResponse>{ response });

public class MockHttpHandlerException extends Exception {}

//=== TESTS ===

@isTest static void testHttpMockHandler() {
    String url1 = 'http://test.com';
    String url2 = 'http://test2.com';

    MockHttpResponseHandler mock = new MockHttpResponseHandler();

    //going to run this one twice...
    MockHttpResponseHandler.SimpleMockResponse m1 =
            new MockHttpResponseHandler.SimpleMockResponse('GET', 'get1');
    MockHttpResponseHandler.SimpleMockResponse m2 =
            new MockHttpResponseHandler.SimpleMockResponse('GET', 'get2');
    MockHttpResponseHandler.SimpleMockResponse m3 =
            new MockHttpResponseHandler.SimpleMockResponse('POST', 'post1');

    //test multiple items on single method
    mock.addResponse(url1, m1);
    mock.addResponse(url1, m1);
    mock.addResponse(url1, m2);
    //test multiple methods
    mock.addResponse(url1, m3);
    //test for multiple endpoints
    mock.addResponse(url2, m1);

    Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, mock);

    //assert on GETS
    //  get1 should show up twice, then get 2 should show on every additional call
    System.assertEquals('get1', sendRequest('GET', url1));
    //test that Query String is ignored
    System.assertEquals('get1', sendRequest('GET', url1 + '?foo=bar'));
    System.assertEquals('get2', sendRequest('GET', url1));
    System.assertEquals('get2', sendRequest('GET', url1));
    //assert on post
    System.assertEquals('post1', sendRequest('POST', url1));
    //assert on second endpoint
    System.assertEquals('get1', sendRequest('GET', url2));


private static String sendRequest(String method, String endpoint){
    HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
    Http http = new Http();
    HttpResponse response = http.send(req);
    return response.getBody();


Use this class methods in your test class as below:

    @isTest static void testCallout(){
    String getTokenReqResponse = GT_cls_TestDataFactory.getTokenMockResponse();

    MockHttpResponseHandler mock = new MockHttpResponseHandler();
    MockHttpResponseHandler.SimpleMockResponse nameRequest = new 
    MockHttpResponseHandler.SimpleMockResponse('POST', getTokenReqResponse);
    String endpoint ='xxxxxxxxxx';
    mock.addResponse(endpoint, nameRequest);

    Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, mock);

    //Your main class

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