I'm attempting to validate an incoming changeset, and SFDC tells me that my Unit Test bails with the following error:
Failure Message: "System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, <script src="/js/functions.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/soap/ajax/20.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/soap/ajax/20.0/apex.js" type="text/javascript"></...
In the verification results I get the following data, in addition to the above error:
UnitTests_CaseSendToTechnologyTeams.newCase() Class 30
UnitTests_CaseSendToTechnologyTeams.sendToHosting() Class 30
UnitTests_CaseSendToTechnologyTeams.sendToInnovation() Class 30
I am at a loss to understand where this error is being triggered.
private class UnitTests_CaseSendToTechnologyTeams {
static Account myAccount = null;
static Contact myContact= null;
static private Account getAccount() {
if ( myAccount == null ) {
myAccount = UnitTests_DataFactory.getAccount();
return myAccount ;
static private Contact getContact() {
if ( myContact == null ) {
Account a = getAccount();
myContact = new contact(FirstName = 'Test', LastName = 'Contact', Email = '[email protected]');
myContact .AccountId = a.Id;
insert myContact ;
return myContact ;
static private Case newCase() {
RecordType suppRT = Case_DataFactory.getCaseSupportRecordType( Case_DataFactory.RECORDTYPE_SUPPORT );
Case c = new case(Subject = 'Test');
c.Status = 'New';
c.RecordTypeId = suppRT.Id;
c.AccountId = getAccount().Id;
c.ContactId = getContact().Id;
c.Subject = 'Test Subject';
c.Description = 'Test Description';
insert c;
c.Technical_Description__c = 'Test Technical Description';
c.Origin = 'Support';
c.Priority = 'Urgent';
update c;
c.Customer_Priority__c = 'Urgent';
c.Reason = 'Other';
c.Version__c = 'SL 5.3';
c.Service_Pack__c = '5.3.8';
update c;
c.System_Impacted__c = 'Production System';
c.Build_Number__c = '';
c.OperatingSystem__c = 'RedHat Linux';
c.Problem_Area__c = '';
c.Product_Component__c = '';
c.Request_Type__c = '';
update c;
return c;
static testMethod void sendToServices() {
System.runAs( UnitTests_DataFactory.getRandomSupportUser() ) {
Case c = newCase();
c.WizardAction__c = 'SendToTechTeam';
c.Technology_Team__c = 'Services';
update c;
static testMethod void sendToHosting() {
System.runAs( UnitTests_DataFactory.getRandomSupportUser() ) {
Case c = newCase();
c.WizardAction__c = 'SendToTechTeam';
c.Technology_Team__c = 'Hosting';
update c;
static testMethod void sendToRnD() {
System.runAs( UnitTests_DataFactory.getRandomSupportUser() ) {
Case c = newCase();
c.WizardAction__c = 'SendToTechTeam';
c.Technology_Team__c = 'R&D';
update c;
static testMethod void sendToProdMgmt() {
System.runAs( UnitTests_DataFactory.getRandomSupportUser() ) {
Case c = newCase();
c.WizardAction__c = 'SendToTechTeam';
c.Technology_Team__c = 'Product Management';
update c;
static testMethod void sendToInnovation() {
System.runAs( UnitTests_DataFactory.getRandomSupportUser() ) {
Case c = newCase();
c.WizardAction__c = 'SendToTechTeam';
c.Technology_Team__c = 'Innovation';
update c;
UnitTests_DataFactory.getAccount is:
static public Account getAccount() {
list<Account> accs = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account where Name = 'MyAccount'];
System.assert(accs.size() <= 1, 'Too Many \'MyAccount\' Accounts are present in test data. ');
if (accs.size() == 1 ) return accs.get(0);
Account myAccount= new Account();
myAccount.Name = 'MyAccount';
insert myAccount;
return myAccount;
When I run in the Force.com IDE - No issues. This almost looks like what I would expect from a failure with VisualForce pages - is it possible one of my third party packages is causing this (I have RippleFly installed, as well as others like LinkedIn). And how the hell do I find out where it's coming from? This is all the error messages I get from SFDC - I'm not sure how to get more extensive logging like I do from the Force.com IDE.
Is this something I can get better information from if I use the Migration Tool?