There is a requirement to show a modal pop-up forcing our user to choose a reason from a dropdown when loading a Case that meets specific requirements.
The following line of code redirects to a specific Case's record page
PageReference casePageRef = new ApexPages.StandardController(currentCase).view();
casePageRef.getParameters().put('callType', lookup.CallType__c);
where a Lightning component exists that takes care of the rest of the work. The last piece that we are stuck on is how to retrieve the callType parameter from that Lightning component.
I can see a redirect happening that has my parameters I'm trying to pick, however the final result of the redirects do not have anything.
The following steps happen:
- Go to an initial URL that looks up which Case to load. This is where the PageReference exists.
- The browser is redirected a URL that looks something like: https://{org}{org}
- The browser is redirected to a final URL that looks like: https://{org}
Now the application is loading the actual record page. My component loads. There are no parameters any more.