I have a requirement to display a data table for open and closed activities based on on some criteria that is from a managed packaged. The challenge was that you can not access the open and closed activity tables directly but need to do it with a subquery. I am trying to flatten out the data in Apex before I return it to the client so it can be displayed in a lightning:datatable. But I keep getting a value of [object object] in my my console log. I am hoping a better JS dev can tell me what I am missing here. I have tried to use JSON.Parse and JSON.Stringify but no luck.
Here is my controller
public static List<OpenActivityWrapper> getOpenActivities(String groupId){
List<String> resultList = new List<String>();
Set<Id> accountIds = getAccountIds(groupId);
List<BA_EIMA_activityController.OpenActivityWrapper> openActivityWrappers = new List<BA_EIMA_activityController.OpenActivityWrapper>();
List<Account> openActivities = [SELECT Id, Name,
(SELECT ActivityDate, Account.Name, Account.Id, Subject, IsTask, WhatId, Description, EndDateTime,
Status, Priority, APX_Assigned_To_Name__c, APX_Assigned_To_User__c
from OpenActivities) FROM Account where Id =: accountIds];
for (Account a : openActivities ){
for(OpenActivity activity : a.openActivities){
BA_EIMA_activityController.OpenActivityWrapper wrapper = new BA_EIMA_activityController.OpenActivityWrapper(
a.Id, a.Name, activity.Subject, activity.Status, activity.IsTask, activity.EndDateTime
System.debug('value in wrapper = ' + openActivityWrappers);
System.debug('value from result list = ' + resultList);
return openActivityWrappers;
public class OpenActivityWrapper{
Id accountId;
String accountName;
String subject;
String activityStatus;
Boolean isTask;
Datetime closeDate;
public OpenActivityWrapper(String accountId, String accountName, String subject, String activityStatus,
Boolean isTask, Datetime closeDate){
this.accountId = accountId; this.accountName = accountName; this.subject = subject;
this.isTask = isTask; this.activityStatus = activityStatus; this.closeDate = closeDate;
JS file
import {LightningElement, track, wire, api} from 'lwc';
import getOpenActivities from '@salesforce/apex/BA_EIMA_activityController.getOpenActivities';
export default class BaEimaOpenRelationshopGroupActiviities extends LightningElement {
@track accounts;
@track error;
@api recordId;
@wire(getOpenActivities, {groupId: '$recordId'})
activities({error, data}) {
if (data) {
this.accounts = data;
console.log(`value of accounts = ${JSON.stringify(this.accounts)}`);
this.error = undefined;
} else if (error) {
this.error = error;
this.accounts = undefined;
<lightning-card title="Open Activities">
<template if:true={accounts} for:each={accounts} for:item="account">
<li key={account.Id}>
The return in the debug log looks like
2:49:15:052 USER_DEBUG [31]|DEBUG|value in wrapper = (OpenActivityWrapper:[accountId=0013C00000Bkh6EQAR, accountName=EIMA TEST HK1, activityStatus=Not Started, closeDate=null, isTask=true, subject=Follow-up], OpenActivityWrapper:[accountId=0013C00000C4PFBQA3, accountName=EIMA TEST HK 2, activityStatus=Not Started, closeDate=null, isTask=true, subject=Call])