I have a Flow which calls an apex class (via action). The purpose of the action is to grab a list of Lead Id's from a specific report. The reportID is passed to the class from the flow. Then, the class returns the list of Id's to the flow. The class being called by the flow is:
global class createRecruiting{
public static List<methodOutputs> createCandidacy(List<String> incomingReport){
List <Report> reportList = [SELECT Id,DeveloperName FROM Report WHERE Id =:incomingReport[0]];
String reportId = (String)reportList.get(0).get('Id');
Set<ID> leads = new Set<ID>();
Integer recCount = 0;
methodOutputs fo = new methodOutputs();
// Run the report synchronously
Reports.reportResults results = Reports.ReportManager.runReport(reportId, true);
// Get the first down-grouping in the report
Reports.Dimension dim = results.getGroupingsDown();
integer groupSize = dim.getGroupings().size();
// Iterate through results, add each ID to the set.
for (Integer i = 0; i < groupSize; i++) {
Reports.GroupingValue groupingVal = dim.getGroupings()[i];
// Query the lead records from the report
List<Lead> ll = [SELECT Name, Id FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :leads];
fo.leadList = ll;
fo.recordCount = RecCount;
List<MethodOutputs> theResults = new List<MethodOutputs>();
theResults.add(fo) ;
return theResults;
public class methodOutputs{
public List<Lead> leadList;
public integer recordCount;
I'm unable to figure out how to write a test class for this scenario. Here's what I have, which results in a method does not exist / incorrect signature error:
public class createRecruitingTest{
public static void testCreateCandidacy() {
// Create a Lead Object which is what the report is based on.
Lead l = new Lead(LastName='ApexTestLead', Status='New', Company='Test Company');
insert l;
//Create the report ID to be passed into the class.
List <Report> reportList = [SELECT Id,DeveloperName FROM Report where
DeveloperName = 'Evergreens_Report_aXW'];
String reportId = (String)reportList.get(0).get('Id');
//Execute test. I've not made assertions yet, but the assertion would
//be simply that a lead list with size > 0 is returned.
createRecruiting testCreateRecruiting = new createRecruiting();
I have the feeling I'm going about this all wrong. Can anyone help me identify how to obtain code coverage when using the report namespace?