I have a table with few columns. I have to add validation based on first two columns. First column is "Model Number" and second is "Part Number". I am using html table with "for:each". And data is uploaded through CSV. They only have "Model NUmber" in csv and it must match with "Part Number" else throgh error. When page is loaded, i have an input file button. "onChange" of input file i am reading records and making table view to true.
But when i try to read input fields for my validation its coming empty. I guess table is not rendered yet. How can i add validation in this case?
My code is something like this.
uploadCSV() {
this.uploadDocumentView = true;
let csvData = this.readCSV(); // have csvData correclty.
this.uploadedRecords = csvData;
// need to do validation for part number.
// they only have model number in CSV. It must match with data base else
// throw error.
// uploaded model number must match with part number
let allModelNumInputs = this.template.querySelectorAll('.modelNumber');
//allModelNumInputs -->coming empty.i guess its not rendered in the UI yet.
allModelNumInputs.forEach(element => {
<lightning-input onchange={uploadCSV} otype="file" name="Upload"
accept=".csv" ></lightning-input>
<template if:true={uploadDocumentView}>
<template for:each={uploadedRecords} for:item='rec' for:index="index">
// here i have input field for Model number and output for part number
<lightning-input class="modelNumber" data-item={index} value=
I tried different events of input file for my validation, but no luck. If possible i don't want to make extra component for this. Any help will be highly appropriated.
Thanks, Manohar