the below code is not rendering as expected. Can someone help me what is the mistake here.

<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >

    <aura:attribute name="car" type="Object" access="public"
                    default="{'sObjectType' : 'Car__c',
                              'Name' : 'Manish Choudhari',
                              'Picture__c' : '/resource/cars/luxury/ford_mustang.jpeg'}" />
    <lightning:button variant="Neutral" class="tile">    
        <div style="{# 'background-image:url (' + v.car.Picture__c + ')'}" class="innertile">
            <div class="lower-third">    
                <h1 class="slds-truncate">{!v.car.Contact__r.Name}</h1>


I have updated the static resource file too. But the page is not rendering as expected. This is happening in both standalone application or in app builder. enter image description here

  • What error are you getting in console log? Commented Jul 27, 2019 at 9:50

3 Answers 3

  1. There is issue in getting Picture__c field in div style.

  2. I feel you have to change type of car object also. Instead of object data type, you should use Car__c

Change code like below. It should resolve your issue.

<aura:attribute name="car" type="Car__c" access="public"
                        default="{'sObjectType' : 'Car__c',
                                  'Name' : 'Manish Choudhari',
                                  'Picture__c' : '/resource/cars/luxury/ford_mustang.jpeg'}" />
        <lightning:button variant="Neutral" class="tile">    
            <div style="{! 'background-image:url (' + v.car.Picture__c + ')'}" class="innertile">
                <div class="lower-third">    
                    <h1 class="slds-truncate">{!v.car.Contact__r.Name}</h1>
  • i tried by changing the both but no luck.
    – Krishna N
    Commented Jul 28, 2019 at 6:19
  • instead of contact__r.name can you hardcode value and try. Commented Jul 28, 2019 at 7:13

enter image description here

  1. In aura component we dont have sObjectType or SObjectType. It is sobjectType. Ofcourse this will not make any difference for getting image, its required when sending the object to apex for create or update.
  2. Data type Object has a bug in lightning aura component. So use sObject or Car__c.
  3. You need to define other properties like no-repeat, width and cover.
  4. Neutral button will inherit padding, so use base variant

    <aura:attribute name="car" type="sObject" access="public"
                    default="{'sobjectType' : 'Car__c',
                             'Name' : 'Manish Choudhari',
                             'Picture__c' : 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/04/15/04/02/water-1330252_960_720.jpg'}" />
    <lightning:button variant="base" class="tile" >
        <div style="{!'background: url(' + v.car.Picture__c +') no-repeat;background-position: center;background-size: cover;width:6rem;'}">

  • no-repeat, width, cover i specified in style class. tried changing the button also.. Somehow the issue is with style="{! 'background-image:url (' + v.car.Picture__c + ')'}"
    – Krishna N
    Commented Jul 28, 2019 at 6:43
  • can you show the updated code in question. @KrishnaN Commented Jul 28, 2019 at 6:52

Issue is with the tile class in .css file and sorted out

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