I'm doing this Trailhead.
Basically, the idea is to have one component that include a form, a button to submit the form, and a child component that display the list of items.
I'm trying to improve the basic component with adding buttons, I think it's useless to copy the whole code, but fragments could help :
my three buttons :
<!-- BOUTON submit--> <lightning:button label="Create Expense" class="slds-m-top--medium" variant="brand" onclick="{! c.clickCreate}"/> <!-- BOUTON delete--> <lightning:button label="Delete Expenses" class="slds-m-top--medium" variant="brand" onclick="{! c.clickDelete}"/> <!-- BOUTON Reinitialize--> <lightning:button label="Reinitialize form" class="slds-m-top--medium" onclick="{! c.helper.initForm }"/> <!-- / CREATE NEW EXPENSE FORM -->
The controller clickCreate function :
clickCreate : function(cmp, event, helper) {
// tcheck validité du formulaire
if( !helper.isValidForm(cmp)) {
console.log('--Erreur de datas dans le form--');
// recuperation méthode APEX
var action = cmp.get('c.saveExpense'); //console.log('action vide ? : ' + action);
var newExp = cmp.get('v.newExpense');
// ajout du paramètre
'ex' : newExp
// 'expArray' : newExp
// console.log('--clickCreate-- action.setParams : ' + JSON.stringify(action.getParam('ex')));
// console.log('--clickCreate-- action.setParams : ' + JSON.stringify(action.getParam('expArray')));
// définiton du callback
action.setCallback(this, function(resp) {
var state = resp.getState();
console.log('saveExpense -- resp.getState() : ' + state);
// console.log('resp[0] : ' + resp.getReturnValue()[0]);
if (cmp.isValid() && state.toUpperCase()==='SUCCESS') {
// rappel de la fonction doInit en fin de compte ?!
console.log('--call doInit for refreshing the list -I know it's bad');
let initAgain = cmp.get('c.doInit');
// reinitialiser le formulaire
} else {
console.log('Err d\'insert de l\'expense avec statu : ', state);
And the helper initForm function :
initForm : function (cmp) {
var form = cmp.set('v.newExpense', { 'sobjectType': 'Expense__c','Name': '','Amount__c': 0.0, 'Client__c': '','Date__c': '', 'Reimbursed__c': false });
So the clickCreate allows to create the expense and to add it to the list, and also to reinitialize the form with blank values calling the helper initForm() function ;
The thing is I'm unable to call the initForm() method in order to assign it to the third button...
This line is not working : onclick="{! c.helper.initForm }"/>
I got ideas, but I'm not happy with it (copying the method from the helper really isn't a solution), What would be the best way to achieve my goal ?
Thanks !!