We have two custom fields:

  • Opportunity.PrimaryProduct__c(lookup onto CustomObject__c)
  • Opportunity.ProductFamily__c(lookup onto CustomObject__c)

Any of them don't being referenced from any place in code etc, just used for integration purposes. But I need to make those fields cross-object formulas like:

  • PrimaryProduct__r.ProductName__c
  • PrimaryProduct__r.ProductFamily__c

Regarding integration layout I have to keep the same API names for fields, so I use DestructiveChanges.xml (pre deploy) to remove lookups and create formulas during deployment. It looks like that:


Deployment fails with the next error messages:

  1. objects/Opportunity.object (Opportunity.PrimaryProduct__c) -- Error: Cannot update a filed to a Formula from something else
  2. objects/Opportunity.object (Opportunity.ProductFamily__c) -- Error: Cannot update a filed to a Formula from something else

Please advice me how to convert fields from lookups to formulas.

1 Answer 1


It was my fault about running deployment with property checkOnly = true. This approach lets you just check if its possible to deploy your changes without actual deployment. In this case destructive changes make no impact on target org.

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