We have SSO enabled for our org via ADFS using SAML. The single sign on is working absolutely fine.
We have an native tablet app (custom) which has an option to launch Salesforce inside the app (as iframe or webview). We had to take this approach as we do not want users to move away from app.
Now, the issue is how we authenticate / authorize Salesforce for that app and once authorized for the first time we do not want to users to authenticate / authorize again next time the app is launched next time.
App --> Initiate Login for Salesforce (redirected to ADFS) --> return back to App (store access token in key store).
I am having trouble with getting the access token and refresh token back from Salesforce after authorization. I am assuming that this is because the authentication is happening via ADFS.
I am little confused on the flow as the authorization is done by Salesforce but the authentication is via ADFS. In such case, does Salesforce still provide access and refresh token?