I have the following test method and keep getting: List has no rows for assignment to SObject.
public static testMethod void TestChurchName() {
PageReference pageRef = Page.ChurchHistoryDev;
ChurchHistoryDevController con = new ChurchHistoryDevController();
ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', '1290');
String ch = con.ChurchName;
System.assertEquals('Metropolitan Baptist Church-Largo, MD', ch);
My here is my controller and the setChurchName() function.
public ChurchHistoryDevController() {
ChurchId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
// Church name get and set
public void setChurchName() {
Account acct = [select Name from Account where Customer_ID__c = :ChurchId];
ChurchName = acct.Name;
My visualforce page works fine. I just can't get the test to work and since SF is griping at me I guess I have to create tests :) Any idea what I'm doing wrong in my test? I know that it's blowing up because of the SELECT statement in setChurchName() but why isn't that value being passed to my class with the getParameters().put() method?
Thanks, Randy