I have a issue where in my action.setCallback is not being run.

I already checked the debug logs and the apex methods are not being called

So basically this is what happens 1.) User click submit button. 2.) Button run a application event to call a file upload validation 3.) File Upload validation run - File is valid 4.) once file upload is complete 5.) Will call another event to call a Task creation method

This is my Code

I will just post the important parts

    var appEvent = $A.get("e.c:PC_Roche_UploadDoc_Start_Event");
        "parentId" : component.get("v.cycleRecordId")

This event will call this helper

    uploadFile : function(component, event , helper){

    if(component.get('v.isFileValid') != undefined){
        component.set('v.isFileValid', undefined);
    console.log('UPLOAD Files ->');
    var parentId = event.getParam("parentId");

    var masterId = event.getParam("masterId");
    // var masterId = 'a060w000000AcCLAA0';

    var files = component.get('v.files');
    var filesLength = component.get('v.files').length;
    var self = this;

    if(filesLength != 0){
        for(let i=0; i < filesLength; i++){
            let file = files[i];
            var fr = new FileReader();
            var self = this;
            fr.onloadend = function(e) {
                let fileContents = e.target.result;
                let base64Mark = 'base64,';
                let dataStart = fileContents.indexOf(base64Mark) + base64Mark.length;
                fileContents = fileContents.substring(dataStart);
                self.upload(component, file, fileContents,parentId,masterId);

    upload : function(component,file,fileContents,parentId,masterId) {

    var self = this;
    var action = component.get('c.saveTheChunk');
    console.log('file.name>>>>>' + file.name);
    console.log('parentID ->' + parentId);
    console.log('masterId ->' + masterId);

        "parentId": parentId,
        "fileName": file.name,
        "base64Data": encodeURIComponent(fileContents), 
        "contentType": file.type,
        "masterId" : masterId
    console.log('UPLOAD AFTER PARAM -> ');
    action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
        var state = response.getState();
        var isFileValid = component.get('v.isFileValid');
        console.log('ISFILEVALID -> ' + isFileValid);
        if (state === "SUCCESS" && isFileValid != false) {
            console.log('UPLOAD SUCCESS - >');
        else if (state === "ERROR" && isFileValid != false) {
            console.log('ERROR - >>>>>');
    console.log('ENQUE ACTION 2 -> ');

fileValidation : function(component,fileName,fileType){
    console.log('FILE VALIDATION -> ');
    console.log('fileName -> ' + fileName);
    console.log('fileType -> ' + fileType);

    var action = component.get('c.fileValidation');

    console.log('action -> ' + action);

        "fileName" : fileName,
        "fileType" : fileType

    console.log('AFTER PARAMS -> ');
    action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
        var state = response.getState();
        console.log('STATE -> ' + state);
        if (state === "SUCCESS") {
            var isFileNotAllowed = response.getReturnValue();
            console.log('isError -> ' + isFileNotAllowed);
            if(isFileNotAllowed == true){
                var toastEvent = $A.get("e.force:showToast");
                component.set('v.isFileValid', false);
                    title: "Error!",
                    message: "There is a problem in creating online form, Uploaded file is not supported.",
                    type: "error"
    console.log('ENQUE ACTION -> 1');

So basically what happens to me is it gets stuck in the calling of action.setCallback. The Only way for it to run is clicking the submit button again.

Thank you


1 Answer 1


Fixed this issue using Javascript Promise.

Here are some documentation in regards to the use of javascript promise in Lightning components

https://rajvakati.com/2018/05/29/using-promise-in-lightning-component/ http://bobbuzzard.blogspot.com/2016/12/javascript-promises-in-lightning_30.html

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