I might get fair bit of criticism for writing this, but here it goes
I remember the days when I used to go through a lot of expressions in Visualforce Pages, and it is REALLY hard to read/debug such inline expressions.
I feel it is quite helpful as LWC forces us to separate logic from HTML by using getters:
get someCondition() {
return this.someVar == 5;
It also helps the framework to get rid of parsing completely different syntax, implementing/maintaining code to keep it working.
By utilizing the getters we get to use Javascript to apply any sort of operations before evaluating the condition output.
There could be situations/implementations where you might end up writing a lot of getters to get the work done. That's where you'll want to write inline expressions as it adds the ease while implementing.
below example illustrates how I implemented this with also utilizing JS, but this does involve some performance kicks as well:
<c-lwc-if condition="(this.a == this.b) && (this.c == 6 || this.b == 'easypeasy')" scope={scope}>
<div slot="if">
Render some HTML
<div slot="else">
Render some other HTML
The condition property is actually JavaScript code but is limited to access the passed scope.
I don't really use the one mentioned above & lean towards the getters for implementing expressions-like use cases
One of the major use cases involved rendering different components based on a condition, which would require code something like:
<template if:true={condition1}>
component 1
<template if:true={condition2}>
component 2
<template if:true={condition3}>
component 3
... and so on
Which within Aura and LWC would be easily implemented using expressions and one would not need to write multiple boolean properties/getters to get the job done.
You could also use multiple component templates to implement a solution for this, but wouldn't that require a new implementation for each time you had such requirement.
So I took some inspiration from classic switch-case control flow statements in varous languages and implemented something :
<c-lwc-switch expression="this.a" scope={scope}>
<c-lwc-case value="4">
<div>Print Something</div>
<c-lwc-case value="5">
<div>Print Something else</div>
<c-lwc-case value="'test'">
<div>Print test</div>
<c-lwc-case default>
<div>Print Default</div>
get scope(){
return {
a : this.b
Above solution is reusable and solves the problem declarative and helps us with lack of expressions without actually using expressions.
The switch-case reusable solution helps implement the mentioned use case quickly and reduces my efforts, though it still might require some security checks.
here's the implementation: