I'm trying to parse json response.. but keep getting this error
Invalid conversion from runtime type List ANY> to Map String,ANY>
Map<String, Object> MapLv3 = new Map<String, Object>();
Integer x2 = 0;
for (Object oh : CallsList){
MapLv3.put(String.valueof(x2), oh);
index = x2;
System.debug('Map Lv 3 ==>'+MapLv3);
Map<String, Map <String, Object>> Map3 = new Map<String, Map <String, Object>>();
for (Integer a2 = 0; a2 < index; a2++){
Map3.put(String.valueof(a2),(Map<String,Object>) MapLv3.get(String.valueof(a2)));
System.debug('Segment ==>'+Map3.get('0').get('segments'));