We have a method in Trigger handler class to update a field on parent record with a value from child record. This method is being called in a Before trigger but this trigger is not firing in some occasions and i couldn't figure out why? Can someone tell me reasons for a trigger to not to be fired? Thank you!

Method in Handler Class:

public static void updateAccountLicenseExpiration(Map<Id, Account> accountMap) {
    Map<Id, Account> accountLicMap = new Map<Id, Account> ([SELECT Id,
    (SELECT Id, Date__c FROM Child_Object__r
     WHERE Status__c IN('Active', 'Suspended', 'Expired')
     AND Date__c != null
     AND(NOT Type__c IN('Salesperson', 'Broker', 'Vendor Representative'))
     ORDER BY Date__c DESC LIMIT 1)
                                                           FROM ACCOUNT
                                                           WHERE ID IN :accountMap.keySet()]);
                                                           system.debug('Account Lic Map size: '+accountLicMap.size());
    for (Account acc : accountLicMap.values()) {
        if (acc.Child_Object__r.size() > 0 && acc.Child_Object__r[0].Date__c != null) {
            accountMap.get(acc.Id).Year__c = String.valueOf(acc.Child_Object__r[0].Date__c.year());
    if (Trigger.isExecuting && Trigger.isBefore) {
    } else {
        update accountMap.values();

Before Trigger

 trigger AccountBeforeTriggerHandler on Account(before delete, before insert, before update) {
    if (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate) {

        if (Trigger.isUpdate) {

            if (AccountTriggerHandler.updateAccountExpiration) {
          AccountTriggerHandler.updateAccountExpiration = false;

  • There's no way a trigger cannot fire if it's written to handle specific operations and that a record undergoes through that operation. In your case, there's flag that's being checked before calling your handler method, that's what you need to look for.
    – Jayant Das
    Commented Oct 23, 2018 at 21:00

1 Answer 1


The section of code shown below from your handler would seem to explain why:

if (Trigger.isExecuting && Trigger.isBefore) {
    } else {
        update accountMap.values();

Any time you have a Before Trigger, the handler will simply return without modifying the accountMap.values(). It's only in an After context that your trigger will do an update to the accountMap.values()


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