I am trying to upsert a list of records and I may get duplicates so what I did In loop I am adding records to a set then that set into the list for DML.

Now problem is coming when I add a record in set then also I am getting duplicates although I have included this record id while querying.

Any idea how to fix this?

1 Answer 1


here is an example, why storing in Set sobjects is a not a best idea.

Id someAcctId = '001Z000001ORdLz';
Account acct1 = [
    select Id, Name
    from Account
    where Id = :someAcctId
Account acct2 = [
    select Id, Name
    from Account
    where Id = :someAcctId
acct2.Name += 'Z';

Set<Account> accts = new Set<Account>();

System.debug('accts.size():' + accts.size()); // accts.size():2 oops, size is 2
System.debug('accts:' + accts); // two account records are printed

So uniquness of records is defined NOT ONLY by Id, but rest of the fields are considered as well.

in order to correct storing records to update, you can use Map<Id, Sobject>

Id someAcctId = '001Z000001ORdLz';
Account acct1 = [
    select Id, Name
    from Account
    where Id = :someAcctId
Account acct2 = [
    select Id, Name
    from Account
    where Id = :someAcctId
acct2.Name += 'Z';

Map<Id, Sobject> sobjectsToUpdate  = new Map<Id, Sobject>();
sobjectsToUpdate.put(acct1.Id, acct1);
sobjectsToUpdate.put(acct2.Id, acct2);

System.debug('sobjectsToUpdate.size():' + sobjectsToUpdate.size()); // sobjectsToUpdate.size():1 nice!
System.debug('sobjectsToUpdate:' + sobjectsToUpdate); // one account record is printed

Try to put in sets (or in keys of map) immutable types

in your current case, if you want to call upsert DML, you can have two collections: Map to store records to update with key by Id and List for records to insert. Merge them into one collection and do upsert.

Map<Id, Sobject> sobjectsToUpdate  = new Map<Id, Sobject>();
List<Sobject> sobjectsToInsert = new List<Sobject>();


List<Sobject> sobjectsToUpsert = new List<Sobject>();

upsert sobjectsToUpsert;

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