I have a test class below that is successful and covers accessing my controller with a callout:

  @isTest static void testUpdateOfPack(){
       MockPackageService mockRes = new MockPackageService();
        Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, mockRes);
        PageReference page = new PageReference('/package');
        page.getParameters().put('actId', GTRdata.grabAccount().id);
        packController pack = new packController();
        //Pack data is entered here
        //item pack is entered here
        //More pack updates here
        itemPack = [SELECT ID, Price__c FROM item_package__c WHERE ID = :itempack.id];
        System.assertEquals(924.00, itempack.Price__c);

I need to also add a second "PackController pack2 = new PackController(); because when a user goes to edit the record, I need to write a test class to cover that things are being updated

   @isTest static void testUpdateofPack(){
       MockPackageService mockRes = new MockPackageService();
        Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, mockRes);
        PageReference page = new PageReference('/package');
        page.getParameters().put('actId', GTRdata.grabAccount().id);
        packController pack = new packController();
        //Pack data is entered here
        //itemPack is inserted as well
        //More pack updates here
        itemPack = [SELECT ID, Price__c FROM item_package__c WHERE ID = :itempack.id];
        System.assertEquals(924.00, pack.Price__c);
    PageReference pageTwo = new PageReference('/pack');
        page2.getParameters().put('actId', GTRdata.grabAccount().id);
        packController pack2 = new packController();
        //More pack updates here
        itemPack = [SELECT ID, Price__c FROM item_package__c WHERE ID = :itempack.id];
        System.assertEquals(950.00, itempack.Price__c);

However now, I get an error at packController pack2 = new packController();:

System.CalloutException: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out

Do I have to implement test.setMock again? Or how would I tackle this?

  • try to move this line packController pack2 = new packController(); outside Test.stopTest() Commented Sep 17, 2018 at 5:32

1 Answer 1


If possible, use two unit tests. The first does the method with the callout, the other with everything else. You may need to use @TestVisible on some of the attributes to manipulate the controller's internal state. This makes it easier to provide real coverage, including validating logic, instead of just a plain code-coverage/smoke-screen test. The error regarding not being able to call out after a DML operation is rather easily solved by using multiple tests. Also, you can use @TestSetup to set up your data, reducing common DML operations.

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