I'm trying to fetch the list of opportunities related to the account(called as Student in my case) selected(from dropdown list).
I have 2 buttons with different aura:ids what I want is, when I click on the button one I wish to call apex method one(getOpportunities) and save the response to aura:attribute one(lstOpportunities) similarly when I click on button two I wish to call apex method two(getOpportunities1) and save the response in aura:attribute two(lstOpportunities1). In the code below, it's calling the helper method recursively infinite times.
However, if I uncomment the if else statements then it's not calling the setCallback code block. My helper method is
helperGetOpportunities : function(component,event){
var selectedStudentId;
var getLstOpportunities;
//if(event.getSource().getLocalId() === 'showstudentsfromsearchbypicklist'){ //aura:Id of student's select option
selectedStudentId = component.get('v.selectedStudentId');
getLstOpportunities = component.get('c.getOpportunities');
// selectedStudentId = component.get('v.selectedStudentId1');
// getLstOpportunities = component.get('c.getOpportunities1');
console.log('Id is : '+selectedStudentId);
studentId : selectedStudentId
getLstOpportunities.setCallback(this , function(response){
var state = response.getState();
console.log('Here i am 1');
if(state === 'SUCCESS'){
console.log('Here i am 2');
//if(event.getSource().getLocalId() === 'showstudentsfromsearchbypicklist'){ //aura:Id of student's select option
console.log('response is : '+response.getReturnValue());
// }
// else{
The apex methods getOpportunities and getOpportunities1 are only returning the list of opportunities related to given student id. Can anyone help me in finding the problem with this code?