I did the following:

  1. In my scratch org I created a custom field (on a Standard Object).
  2. Then I executed force:source:pull so I had that custom field in my project folder.
  3. I created a new scratch org and pushed the sources into that scratch org.
  4. I deleted in that scratch org the custom field.
  5. I executed force:source:pull but it says "No results found", same with force:source:status

Interestingly a deleted field on a custom object does get pulled, but not a custom field on a standard object (at least that's what it looks like according to my tests).

Is that behaviour intended, am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?

The problem is, that I cannot simply delete the field in my project-folder, because then I have to manually edit all the profiles and layouts and delete the field-reference there as well, because otherwise there are errors when trying to push the sources into a new scratch org.

1 Answer 1


Can you please check below link of @notmyf4ulty .. She already raised the ticket to salesforce ... Salesforce DX: How to track custom objects' changes in custom profiles?

  • Hope this helped you..if yes please vote Commented Sep 6, 2018 at 11:20
  • Yes. Not the exact same problem, but basically it seems to be the same issue... thank you!
    – martes
    Commented Sep 7, 2018 at 9:54

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