I have the following data model:
My purpose is to get all the needed data from the server-side on the client side. And I need to know: all the assessments, for each assessment I need to know questions which are related to it, for each question I need to know all the related answers. And for both questions and assessments I may need a few fields (for example, for a question in addition to a list of answers I need a question text and question directions).
I am using guides provided in the answer to retrieve the data using SOQL.
Here is what my request looks so far:
List<zced__Assessment__c> assessmentAndQuestions = [
SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM zced__Assessment_Questions__r)
FROM zced__Assessment__c
WHERE zced__Interaction__c = :interactionId
Set<String> questions = new Set<String>();
Map<String, List<String>> assessmentToQuestions = new Map<String, List<String>>();
for(zced__Assessment__c assessment: assessmentAndQuestions) {
assessmentToQuestions.put(assessment.Id, new List<String>());
for(zced__Assessment_Question__c question: assessment.zced__Assessment_Questions__r) {
Map<Id, zced__Assessment_Question__c> questionToAnswers = new Map<Id, zced__Assessment_Question__c> ([
SELECT zced__Question_text__c, zced__Question_Instruction__c,
SELECT zced__Answer_Text__c, zced__Is_Correct__c, zced__Answer_Points__c
FROM zced__Assessment_Answers__r
FROM zced__Assessment_Question__c
WHERE Id IN :questions
As you can see I gathered all the needed data and now it comes to assembling the data into a data structure and sending it to the client-side.
So, what I was able to come up with is the following:
I would have a
List<List<List<List<SObject>>>> res;
. Whereres[q][w][e+d]
would mean the data about the e-th answer which is in w-th question in q-th assessment. While the objectsres[q][w][e]
, ...,res[q][w][e+d]
would hold a w-th question`s in q-th assessment fields which I will need on the client side.
I am feeling that my solution is very clumsy. Are there different approaches to solving such kinds of problems?
Here is my code after the answer was provided:
public static QuizDataNode retrieveQuizInfo(String interactionId) {
QuizDataNode res = new QuizDataNode(null);
List<zced__Assessment__c> assessmentAndQuestions = [
SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM zced__Assessment_Questions__r)
FROM zced__Assessment__c
WHERE zced__Interaction__c = :interactionId
Set<String> questions = new Set<String>();
Map<String, List<String>> assessmentToQuestions = new Map<String, List<String>>();
for(zced__Assessment__c assessment: assessmentAndQuestions) {
assessmentToQuestions.put(assessment.Id, new List<String>());
for(zced__Assessment_Question__c question: assessment.zced__Assessment_Questions__r) {
Map<Id, zced__Assessment_Question__c> questionToAnswers = new Map<Id, zced__Assessment_Question__c> ([
SELECT zced__Question_text__c, zced__Question_Instruction__c,
SELECT zced__Answer_Text__c, zced__Is_Correct__c, zced__Answer_Points__c
FROM zced__Assessment_Answers__r
FROM zced__Assessment_Question__c
WHERE Id IN :questions
for(zced__Assessment__c e: [
FROM zced__Assessment__c
WHERE zced__Interaction__c = :interactionId
]) {
QuizDataNode qdn = new QuizDataNode(new zced__Assessment__c(Id = e.Id));
for(String f: assessmentToQuestions.get(e.Id)) {
qdn.addChild(new QuizDataNode(questionToAnswers.get(f)));
return res;
public class QuizDataNode {
public SObject sob {get; set;}
public QuizDataNode parent {get; private set;}
public List<QuizDataNode> children {get; private set;}
public QuizDataNode(SObject sob) {
this.sob = sob;
children = new List<QuizDataNode>();
public void addChild(QuizDataNode child) {
child.parent = this;
When I call the method on the client-side it returns with a state of an ERROR
. And here is what it tells me:
"Communication error, please retry or reload the page"
Error: Communication error, please retry or reload the page at U.z.oh (https://zeddev-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/M8mitrSnSoFe6Y855DnNgg/aura_prod.js:587:435) at Object.onXHRReceived (https://zeddev-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/libraries/instrumentation/idleDetector/idleDetector.js:2:265) at Object.TA.Ak (https://zeddev-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/M8mitrSnSoFe6Y855DnNgg/aura_prod.js:240:255) at UG.xp (https://zeddev-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/M8mitrSnSoFe6Y855DnNgg/aura_prod.js:835:421) at Object.TA.Ak (https://zeddev-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/M8mitrSnSoFe6Y855DnNgg/aura_prod.js:240:255) at TA.start (https://zeddev-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/M8mitrSnSoFe6Y855DnNgg/aura_prod.js:239:313) at XMLHttpRequest.e (https://zeddev-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/auraFW/javascript/M8mitrSnSoFe6Y855DnNgg/aura_prod.js:577:103)
What am I doing wrong here?