I have custom Setting (Hierarchy) Type with api name Test__c. in my custom setting I have one boolean field "View__c" I am using it in my custom apex controller and visual force page.
In my visual force page I allow user to choose true or false and call the apex method to upsert the setting for the current login user. its work fine with system administrator profile but when I try to login with custom profile It doesn't work because of salesforce code scanner I ensure the "Enforcing Object and Field Permissions".
is there any permission or point I need to do for custom profile?
Note: if I remove the condition if(objDesc.isUpdateable())
its work fine for custom profile but i have to use it because of sale force scanner report.
public with sharing class customController{
// custom setting to keep user Can View value
public Test__c testSetting {
public boolean userCanView{get;set;}
public customController(){
testSetting = Test__c.getInstance();
if(NULL != testSetting.View__c ){
userCanView= testSetting.View__c;
}else {
userCanView =false;
public void changeUserSetting(){
Schema.sObjectType objType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Test__c');
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objDesc = objType.getDescribe();
//check the permission user can update the custom setting
if(objDesc.isUpdateable()) {
testSetting.View__c = userCanView;
upsert testSetting;