I posted this question on Twitter and folks seemed to feel this wasn't expected behavior, so posting here to see if others have experienced\have better solution
I have three components. CMP A is a simple component that uses force:recordData so I can display on Contact detail page. On record update of CMP A (force:recorddata is async, so we can't use init) it creates CMP B which queries an apex controller to get back some values from a custom object for the Contact, and displays a select list of those values. That works fine. On change of the select, I create CMP C, which is using values from CMP B to create a simple table:
var finalbody = [];
"program" : programsToDisplay,
"programMap" : component.get("v.programMap")
function(newListCMP, status, errorMessage){
//Add the new component to the body array
if (status === "SUCCESS") {
console.log('final body' + finalbody);
var parentCmp = component.find("newLists");
parentCmp.set("v.body", finalbody);
//Error Handling
If I look in the console, the first time I do this the success statement appears after that console.log('final body' + finalbody) statement and the component is not added to the page. Change the select again, and it works correctly every subsequent time. The only way I found to correct it was to add CMP C as an aura dependency in CMP B - once I did that, it always worked, even the first time. But adding it is obviously a performance hit, so it feels like I shouldn't need to enforce that dependency? One other thing that might be a factor - CMP C references an Apex Wrapper class - could that be why I need to force a dependency?
public with sharing class ContactListWrapper {
public Boolean bSelected {get;set;}
public String ListName {get;set;}
public ContactListWrapper(List__c Listso, Boolean b) {
pList = Listso;
the error message on failure... Oh so no Apex controller dependency in CMP C? Also, are you sure it's a performance hit to have the depencency? Not having it requires a server round trip to get the cmp def.