I need to insert a new ContactShare object in apex. Here is a sample of the code I have :
Map<String, Id> mapUserRole = new Map<String, Id>();
for(UserRole ur : lRoles){
mapUserRole.put(ur.Name, ur.Id);
List<ContactShare> lContactShareToInsert = new List<ContactShare>();
for(Mission__c mission : lMissions){
for(Contact con : lContacts){
if(mission.box__c != con.box__c && mapUserRole.get(mission.box__c) != null){
//créer contactShare
ContactShare conShare = new ContactShare();
conShare.ContactAccessLevel = 'Read';
conShare.ContactId = con.Id;
conShare.UserOrGroupId = mapUserRole.get(mission.box__c);
System.debug('### conShare : ' + conShare);
System.debug('### lContactShareToInsert : ' + lContactShareToInsert);
Database.SaveResult[] srContactShare = Database.insert(lContactShareToInsert, false);
for(Database.SaveResult srS : srContactShare){
System.debug('### srS : ' + srS);
System.debug('### srContactShare is insert');
The problem is that I got an error in the debug of srS, so the list of contactShare to insert is not insert because it is not successfill :
srS : Database.SaveResult[getErrors=(Database.Error[getFields=(UserOrGroupId);getMessage=User/Group ID: id value of incorrect type: 00E4E000000Xfj4UAC;getStatusCode=FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION;]);getId=null;isSuccess=false;]