I have a trigger that fires when an Opportunity is Closed Won, has OpportunityLineItems and those OppLineItems relate to a specific Product. The firing of the trigger creates a Case Record based on variables set it in the Trigger.
The Trigger works as expected, however I am having a little difficulty with the Test Method for the trigger. I can't seem to get a successful System.Assert for the created Case.
I have attached both the Trigger and the Test Method below. Any info as to why the Case isn't being captured in the Test Method would be great. Apologies for the length of the test method we use a lot of look ups and validations...
Trigger is as follows:
trigger Accordance_trg_AutoCaseCreate on Opportunity (before insert, before update) {
//Create a list of Opportunities
List<Opportunity> ClosedWonOpps = new List<Opportunity>();
//For Opportunities that have triggered the Code and are Closed Won and have a Line Item check list is not Empty
for (Opportunity opp : trigger.new){
if (opp.StageName == 'Closed Won' && opp.HasOpportunityLineItem == true){
if (!closedWonOpps.isEmpty())
date DueDate = date.today();
List<OpportunityLineItem> olis = [SELECT UnitPrice, AccountId__c, Quantity, Opportunity_Close_Date__c, OpportunityId, PricebookEntry.Product2Id, TotalPrice, Name, PricebookEntry.Product2.Name, Description, Country__c, Country__r.Name ,CurrencyIsoCode, Opportunity.Name , Opportunity.Account.Name
FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE OpportunityId in :ClosedWonOpps];
List<Case> caToInsert = new list<Case>();
for (OpportunityLineItem oli : olis){
if(oli.PricebookEntry.Product2.Name == 'Change of Company Details')
//if OpLineItem exists on Op, create a new case
Case IPCase = new Case();
IPCase.Due_Date__c = DueDate.addMonths(2).toStartofMonth().addDays(-1);
IPCase.Update_Parent_Id__c = true;
IpCase.RecordTypeId = '01220000000Fr0I';
IpCase.AccountId = oli.AccountId__c;
IPCase.Country__c = oli.Country__c;
IPCase.CurrencyIsoCode = oli.CurrencyIsoCode;
IPCase.Related_Opportunity__c = oli.OpportunityId;
IPCase.Subject = oli.Opportunity.Account.Name + ' - ' + oli.PricebookEntry.Product2.Name + ' - ' + oli.Country__r.Name;
IPCase.Type = 'Change of Company Details';
IPCase.origin = 'Client';
IPCase.Priority = 'Medium';
IPCase.Status = 'New Service';
IPCase.Amount__c = oli.TotalPrice;
IPCase.Narrative__c = IPCase.Subject;
IPCase.Auto_Created_Case__c = true;
//Add new case to Case List ready to insert at the end
if(oli.PricebookEntry.Product2.Name == 'Compliance Hours')
Case IPCase1 = new Case();
IPCase1.Due_Date__c = DueDate.addMonths(2).toStartofMonth().addDays(-1);
IPCase1.Update_Parent_Id__c = true;
IpCase1.RecordTypeId = '01220000000Fr0I';
IpCase1.AccountId = oli.AccountId__c;
IPCase1.Country__c = oli.Country__c;
IPCase1.CurrencyIsoCode = oli.CurrencyIsoCode;
IPCase1.Related_Opportunity__c = oli.OpportunityId;
IPCase1.Subject = oli.Opportunity.Name;
IPCase1.Type = 'Compliance Hours';
IPCase1.origin = 'Client';
IPCase1.Priority = 'Medium';
IPCase1.Status = 'New Service';
IPCase1.Amount__c = oli.TotalPrice;
IPCase1.Narrative__c = IPCase1.Subject;
IPCase1.Auto_Created_Case__c = true;
if(oli.PricebookEntry.Product2.Name == 'Deregistration')
Case IPCase2 = new Case();
IPCase2.Due_Date__c = DueDate.addMonths(2).toStartofMonth().addDays(-1);
IPCase2.Update_Parent_Id__c = true;
IpCase2.RecordTypeId = '01220000000Fr0I';
IpCase2.AccountId = oli.AccountId__c;
IPCase2.Country__c = oli.Country__c;
IPCase2.CurrencyIsoCode = oli.CurrencyIsoCode;
IPCase2.Related_Opportunity__c = oli.OpportunityId;
IPCase2.Subject = oli.Opportunity.Account.Name + ' - ' + oli.PricebookEntry.Product2.Name + ' - ' + oli.Country__r.Name;
IPCase2.Type = 'De-Registration';
IPCase2.origin = 'Client';
IPCase2.Priority = 'Medium';
IPCase2.Status = 'New Service';
IPCase2.Amount__c = oli.TotalPrice;
IPCase2.Narrative__c = IPCase2.Subject;
IPCase2.Auto_Created_Case__c = true;
insert caToInsert;
And here is my current test method. I expected to get 1 x case created but my assert keeps coming back as null :(
@isTest (SeeAllData=true)
public class Accordance_trg_AutoCaseCreateTest {
public static testmethod void TestClosedOp() {
//Create Pricebook 2
Pricebook2 standardPb = [select id, name, isActive from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = true limit 1];
//Create Product
Product2 prod = new Product2 (Name='Change of Company Details', family = 'Compliance', isActive = true);
insert prod;
//Create PriceBook Entry
PricebookEntry pbEntry = new PricebookEntry (Product2ID=prod.id, Pricebook2ID=standardPb.id, UnitPrice=50, isActive=true);
insert pbEntry;
//Create Profile Id
Profile profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'Standard User' LIMIT 1];
//Create User
User TestUser = new user();
TestUser.FirstName = 'Test';
TestUser.LastName = 'User';
TestUser.Alias = 'tuser';
TestUser.Email = '[email protected]';
TestUser.Username = '[email protected]';
TestUser.CommunityNickname = 'testuser';
testuser.ProfileId = profileid.id;
testuser.EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8';
TestUser.TimeZoneSidKey = 'GMT';
TestUser.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
testuser.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
insert TestUser;
//Create Country
Country__c TestCountry = new Country__c();
TestCountry.Name = 'TestCountry';
insert TestCountry;
//Create General Ledger Account
c2g__codaGeneralLedgerAccount__c TestGL = new
TestGL.Name = 'Accounts R and P';
TestGL.c2g__ReportingCode__c = '10000';
TestGL.c2g__Type__c = 'Balance Sheet';
insert TestGL;
//Create Account
Account testAccount = new Account();
testAccount.Name = 'Test Account2';
testAccount.c2g__CODAVATStatus__c = 'Home' ;
testAccount.c2g__CODACreditManager__c = TestUser.id ;
testAccount.c2g__CODATaxCalculationMethod__c = 'Gross' ;
testAccount.c2g__CODAAccountTradingCurrency__c = 'GBP' ;
testAccount.c2g__CODABaseDate1__c = 'Invoice Date' ;
testAccount.c2g__CODADescription1__c = '60 Days' ;
testAccount.c2g__CODAAccountsPayableControl__c = TestGL.id ;
testAccount.c2g__CODAAccountsReceivableControl__c = TestGL.id ;
testAccount.c2g__CODADaysOffset1__c = 60 ;
testAccount.Industry = 'retail';
testAccount.Lead_Source__c = 'referral';
testAccount.Account_Tier__c = 'unknown';
testAccount.Marketing_Sector__c = 'opticians';
testAccount.Country_of_Establishment__c = TestCountry.id;
testAccount.Registered_Street__c = '12 Test Close';
testAccount.Registered_City__c = 'RDG';
testAccount.Registered_Country__c = 'United States';
testAccount.Registered_Postal_Code__c = 'RG1 4XL';
insert testAccount;
// Create Opportunity
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
opp.Name = 'Test Ops1';
opp.AccountId = testaccount.id;
opp.Type = 'Existing Client';
opp.Sector__c = 'Events';
opp.CloseDate = Date.valueOf('2018-02-02');
opp.StageName = 'Prospecting';
opp.Related_Consultant__c = 'not applicable';
insert opp;
//create opportunity line item.
OpportunityLineItem oli = new OpportunityLineItem(
OpportunityId = opp.Id,
Quantity = 5,
PricebookEntryId = pbEntry.Id,
Product2Id = prod.id,
country__c = testcountry.id,
UnitPrice = 400.00
insert oli;
//Query Opportunity for Update
Opportunity oppWithLines = [
Select Amount, CloseDate, Name, HasOpportunityLineItem,
(Select TotalPrice, UnitPrice, ListPrice,
PricebookEntry.Product2.Name, country__c
From OpportunityLineItems)
From Opportunity
Where Id = :opp.Id
//Change opp to Closed Won
oppwithlines.StageName = 'Closed Won';
update oppwithlines;
List<Case> caseinsert = [SELECT id, Subject, Type, related_opportunity__c FROM Case Where related_opportunity__c = :oppwithlines.id];
System.assertEquals(1, caseinsert.size());
Thanks All!