We have a VF page which we are migrating to "Lightning Experience" using <apex:slds />
and <body class="slds-scope">
Page looks good in Lightning Experience, but when running "readiness report" it shows below error :
JavaScript included in this page uses window. methods. Included JavaScript uses window. methods for navigation, which are not supported in Lightning Experience. Use the sforce.one navigation method instead. For more information see the Lightning Component Developer Guide
"Window used at lines 893, 900, in Body"
We are opening another VF page by using "windows.open()" function in classic mode. For e.g.
As per readiness report, we are using sforce.one method to open the another VF page that we were opening by "windows.open()" in classic mode.
var url='TestPage?param1=value1¶m2=value2';
sforce.one.navigateToURL(url, false);
With above SF one method, it is not opening new VF page and reloading the same page.
Can someone please suggest if they have faced similar issue while using "sforce.one.navigateURL" methods in VF Page migration to Lightning Experiance?