In my controller I have a variable called category which is of the following format: "category1;category2;category3"
I need a SOQL statement which pulls all case note records that have one of the listed category in my category variable. Each case note can only have a single category (category__c).
So for example my casenote variable might be "housing;financial;health". I'd want to pull all casenotes where category__c is housing or financial or health. How might I go about this?
Here's what I have so far:
casenotelist = [Select ID, Date_of_Service__c, Case_Note__c,Category__c, Case_Number__c, Entered_By_User__r.Full_Name__c,
from RIS_Case_Note__c
Where Case_Number__c =: controller.getId() AND
Date_of_Service__c >=: startdate AND
Date_of_Service__c <=: enddate AND
category__c ???? :Category //need help on this line
ORDER BY Date_of_Service__c ASC];