I am facing some error when I am trying to use ui:outputURL component in lightning component.
Here is the code I am trying to execute:

<td data-label="Name" class="slds-text-align--left">
  <div class="slds-truncate">
     <ui:outputURL value="{!'/apex/Visualforce_Page?button=Approve&id='+p.Id}"                      
                   label="{!p.Name}" target="_new"/> 

I am getting the below error when I am trying save my lightning component.
the reference to entity id must end with the ' ;' delimiter.:Source in lightning component ui:outputURL

Please help me out, how can I pass two parameters through URl from ui:outputUrl in lightning component while calling VF page.

I really appreciate your help. Thank You.

1 Answer 1


In Lightning, which is XML-based, there's a set of characters known as character entities, which are in the form &<name>;. So, to encode a literal &, you need to use its entity name, &amp;.

 <ui:outputURL value="{!'/apex/Visualforce_Page?button=Approve&amp;id='+p.Id}"                      
               label="{!p.Name}" target="_new"/> 

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