I do not have any idea about this, but I am trying to create JSON using Apex class. I think it can be done using serialize method. But I need a simple example so that I can understand the procedure. Any example or easy to understand link would be really appreciated.
6Json.serialize(class object) is about all it requires. Lots of already answered questions related to this already here– EricCommented Oct 8, 2017 at 7:07
1There are many simple examples available through a simple web search. Which one are you having trouble with?– David ChengCommented Oct 8, 2017 at 17:19
2 Answers
It depends on what you really want to do :
if it's just about serializing an object, the JSON class will be enough by itself.
System.debug(JSON.serialize( [Select Id from Account limit 1] ));
will output something like
If it's about creating a parameter for an external webservice (or whatever), you might not have a class for the structure you need. Then you can either create a class just for serializing, or simply use a map. Let's say you need a JSON output like :
action : "anAction",
aLoop : 10,
ids : [ 10, 12, 15],
theObject : { objName : "myObj" }
You'd have choice between :
create specific classes
class Cl1 {
public String action;
public Integer aLoop;
public List<Integer> ids;
public Cl2 theObject ;
public Cl1(String a, Integer l, List<Integer> i, Cl2 o){
action=a; aLoop=l; ids=i; theObject=o;
class Cl2 {
public String objName;
public Cl2(String o) {
objName = o;
System.debug( JSON.serialize( new Cl1('anAction', 10, new List<Integer>{10, 12, 15}, new Cl2('myObj'))));
or use a simple map
Map<String, Object> obj = new Map<String, Object>();
obj.put('action', 'anAction');
obj.put('aLoop', 10);
obj.put('ids', new List<Integer>{10, 12, 15});
Map<String, String> theObj = new Map<String, String>();
theObj.put('objName', 'myObj');
obj.put('theObject', theObj);
I've never used this myself, but if you need more flexibility than the regular serialize
method you can use JSONGenerator
. Some sample code taken from the Apex Developer Guide:
public class JSONGeneratorSample{
public class A {
String str;
public A(String s) { str = s; }
static void generateJSONContent() {
// Create a JSONGenerator object.
// Pass true to the constructor for pretty print formatting.
JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator(true);
// Create a list of integers to write to the JSON string.
List<integer> intlist = new List<integer>();
// Create an object to write to the JSON string.
A x = new A('X');
// Write data to the JSON string.
gen.writeNumberField('abc', 1.21);
gen.writeStringField('def', 'xyz');
gen.writeObjectField('aaa', intlist);
gen.writeFieldName('Object A');
// Get the JSON string.
String pretty = gen.getAsString();
System.assertEquals('{\n' +
' "abc" : 1.21,\n' +
' "def" : "xyz",\n' +
' "ghi" : {\n' +
' "aaa" : [ 1, 2, 3 ]\n' +
' },\n' +
' "Object A" : {\n' +
' "str" : "X"\n' +
' }\n' +
'}', pretty);