This is now working. The illustration and related code snippet is below alongwith the orignal question.
Inspecting the element showed the DOM path does not need the outputPanel nor tab ID's. This path is used as a combination of page, form, pageBlock, pageBlockSection and value.
val1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("{!$}").value);
Not getting these fields to add up or display if numbers not adding up to 100%. The inputfields are firing the jsctipt via onchange="checkNumbersEnviron();" Is there something wrong with the DOM path I am using on document.getElementById('{!$Component..... ?
<apex:page id="page" standardStylesheets="true" standardController="Account_Summary__c" readOnly="false" extensions="AccountSummaryController" showHeader="true" action="{!redirectCREPage}" >
<script type="text/javascript">
Script checks and prints to output text if numbers add up to 100 or not.
use of ParseInt will produce a NaN (not a number) condition should the user enter alpha numeric text.
function checkNumbersEnviron() {
var val1 = 0; // Percent Local Radius
if(document.getElementById("{!$}") != null)
val1 = parseInt(document.getElementById("{!$}").value);
val1 = 0;
var val2 = 0; // Percent Intermediate Radius
if(document.getElementById("{!$}") != null)
val2 = parseInt(document.getElementById("{!$}").value);
val2 = 0;
var val3 = 0; // Percent Intermediate Radius
if(document.getElementById("{!$}") != null)
val3 = parseInt(document.getElementById("{!$}").value);
val3 = 0;
var tot = val1 + val2 + val3;
document.getElementById('{!$}').value = tot; // use apex hidden input field to save value for validation rule.
document.getElementById('{!$}').innerHTML = tot; // writes to apex output field for UI benefit.
if (tot < 100 || tot > 100)
document.getElementById('{!$}').innerHTML = 'Total percent operating environment not equal to 100.';
document.getElementById('{!$}').innerHTML = 'Total percent operating environment equal to 100.';
<apex:form id="form1">
<!-- <apex:sectionHeader title="Comprehensive Risk Evaluation" help="{!$Resource.Help_MaidenReUWGuidelines}"/> -->
<apex:pageBlock id="block1" dir="" >
<apex:outputPanel id="OutputTabPanel">
<apex:tabPanel switchType="client" selectedTab="name2" id="theTabPanel" headerClass="tabPanel" tabClass="activeTab" inactiveTabClass="inactiveTab" >
<apex:tab label="Comm Auto" name="tab3" id="tab3" >
<apex:outputPanel Style="width:100%;" id="InputTabPanel" layout="block">
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2" id="LOB_CA" title="Commercial Auto" showHeader="false" >
<!-- ********** -->
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" >
<apex:outputLabel value="Radius of Operations Breakdown (under construction)" StyleClass="col1" />
<apex:outputLabel value="" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" >
<apex:outputLabel value="" />
<!-- ********** -->
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" id="LOB_CA1" >
<apex:outputLabel value="local (0-50 Miles)" StyleClass="col4" />
<apex:inputField value="{!Account_Summary__c.CA_Operating_Environment_Rural__c}" StyleClass="col2" id="value1" html-value1="value1" onchange="checkNumbersEnviron();" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" >
<apex:outputLabel value="" />
<!-- ********* -->
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" id="LOB_CA2" >
<apex:outputLabel value="Intermediate (51-200 Miles)" StyleClass="col4" />
<apex:inputField value="{!Account_Summary__c.CA_Operating_Environment_Suburban__c}" StyleClass="col2" id="value2" onchange="checkNumbersEnviron();" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" >
<apex:outputLabel value="" />
<!-- ********* -->
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" id="LOB_CA3" >
<apex:outputLabel value="Long Haul (> 200 Miles)" StyleClass="col4" />
<apex:inputField value="{!Account_Summary__c.CA_Operating_Environment_Urban__c}" StyleClass="col2" id="value3" onchange="checkNumbersEnviron();" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" >
<apex:outputLabel value="" />
<!-- ********* -->
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" id="LOB_CA4" >
<apex:outputLabel value="" StyleClass="col4" />
<apex:inputHidden value="{!Account_Summary__c.Total_Percent_Op_Environ__c}" id="valueTotOpEnvironHidden" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" >
<apex:outputLabel value="" />
<!-- ********* -->
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" id="LOB_CA5" >
<apex:outputLabel value="TOTAL" StyleClass="col4" />
<apex:outputField value="{!Account_Summary__c.Total_Percent_Op_Environ__c}" id="valueTotOpEnviron" StyleClass="col2" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" >
<apex:outputLabel value="" />
<!-- ********* -->
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" id="LOB_CA6" >
<apex:outputText id="answerEnviron" value="" style="color:blue" />
<apex:outputLabel value="" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem dataStyleClass="col" >
<apex:outputLabel value="" />
<!-- ********** -->