All is working well.. its just that i am able to see both checkboxes and radio buttons.
Following is my code
public List<string> ProductName{get;set;}
public OAOAProductsAndServicesController()
ProductName = new List<String>();
public List<selectoption> getProductNames()
list<selectoption> options = new list<selectoption>();
//Product Name is a MultiSelect Picklist
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Account_Product__c.Product_Name__c.getDescribe();
list<schema.picklistentry> values = fieldResult.getPickListValues();
for (Schema.PicklistEntry a : values)
options.add(new SelectOption(a.getLabel(), a.getValue()));
catch (Exception e)
system.debug('## Product Name Options'+ options);
return options;
Page code
input[type='checkbox'] {
border: 1px solid #aaa;
display: block;
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:pageblocksectionitem >
<apex:outputlabel value="Products" />
<apex:selectcheckboxes layout="pageDirection" value="{!ProductName}">
<apex:selectoptions value="{!ProductNames}" />